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The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
Bovine Bomb

By: Drakin

Mila was nervous as she wrung her dough hands while Tam-Tam continued to eat. The notes had said the cure was predicted to be 'somewhat violent' but that no harm would come to the subject.

But still as the minutes ticked by Mila was worried, Tam-Tam only seemed to be expanding faster. She watched as the bovines undulating flesh broke the bars on her stall, and one wall came down with an avalanche of flab following that was taller than Mila's increased height. But it was getting even worse.

A loud grumbling gurgle from the milk machine in the corner sounded as fittings began to pop and the machine sprayed a thick creamy goop from holes and cracks in the tank. Eventually it puttered out completely and the hoses, freed of the suction, fell off Tam-Tam's nipples. The massive pink nips were bloated bigger than Mila's head on breasts the size of a couple carriages. And they gushed something that was not entirely milk any more.

The goopy white semi-fluid flowed out with a consistency almost like half-melted ice cream, spraying from the massive being's breasts and udder from sheer pressure alone now. And Still Tam-Tam sucked on the hose, her frame growing with a noise like an ocean of boiling butter. Her whole mass was bigger than a house, and now Mila could see the strain of stretchmarks beginning to show in places.

“Tam-Tam!” she called, trying to break through to her, “Please stop! You have to stop eating. Otherwise you're going to... to..” Mila couldn't even say it as she watched the bovine swell even larger, her massive belly starting to darken as the stretchmarks grew too numerous and intertwined.

Under all the noises of her body, Mila could just make out long low moos of pleasure between gulps of the food. Was Tam-Tam actually enjoying this? Was she prepared to...

“Mila,” Spritz panted entering the room, “You ran off so fast I had a hard time following. Were you...?” his words trailed off as he saw the titanic mass of Tam-Tam, heaving and straining against her own body.

What happened next occurred in less than a second, but Mila saw each step in slow motion. Tam-Tam gave one more heaving gulp followed by a low moo that cut off part way along. Holes appeared along her stomach and breasts. Just for an instant, each spraying cream in a dozen direction. Then she detonated with a surprisingly muffled but no less impactful...


Mila had no time to react as gobs of frosting thick cream went 'splat!' in all directions. The tsunami that rolled over the remains of the pen buried her dough legs up to her thighs, and she received several gob of the mass her stomach, chest, and face to the point she was struggling to get it out of her eyes to see while trying desperately not to think about how she was covered in someone else's remains.

Then, when she had them free, she spotted something. A hand, followed by an arm struggling up out of the center of the pile, and finally a head so caked in the goop the features were unidentifiable. Mila breathed a sigh of relief as Tam-Tam gasped and coughed but otherwise seemed unharmed.

Or was she?

Choice 1: Tam-Tam is back to her gecko self, but still quite a bit fatter than before.

Choice 2: Tam-Tam is now a living blob of the cream she exploded into. Able to form a body like shaping a butter sculpture out of the strangely sweet smelling mass.

Choice 3: (One of the above and...) Mila feels weird, being soaked in all of Tam-Tam's creamy goodness begins affecting her pastry body in some strange way.

Choice 4: Spritz seems to be affected by the creamy goop. It's magic affecting the living cookie in a strange way.
Something else.
End Of Story

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