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The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292

By: Drakin

Mila could do nothing but sit and wobble and presumably digest whatever was inside her. That was the only explanation she could give for how she felt herself continuing to grow.

It was much slower than the hose, much more drawn out. He only knew it was happening as she her cheeks rose further into her vision, causing her to squint more, and the beginnings of a new chin began to appear under her mouth. She wiggled her mitten-like hands, feeling the fat of her arms encroach further to nearly bury them completely.

It was then she heard something, it was hard to make out what it was since all she could see was a landscape of her own blubber formed by a valley of cleavage between breasts bigger than her whole body used to be.

It was only when something touched her and then began climbing on her she yelped around the hose and wiggled in concern. But as the source of the sensation came into view she saw the same gingerbread cookies that had lead Morgana away.

They set to work on her without delay and Mila felt herself being rubbed and rolled, pushed and pulled all over. And the more they worked the more she felt her insides change. The massage felt good though, so she didn't struggle. As such she only grew worried when a group of cookies climbed onto her head and their motions seemed to indicate they were trying to push her down into her own fat.

Mila freaked out then and tried to do something. But, she was even less mobile than she had been before. Shocked she tried to reach out, wiggle her hand, twitch her paw. Something. But it wasn't just that they were too fat to more...

They were gone.

Mila's eyes widened in shock. She tried again, but nothing. She could only feel fat folds where her limbs should have been. Her tail too was completely done. Even as she watched in shock her breasts had begun to sink into her yards of fat, becoming just more of her tan colored hills.

She gave another muffled yelp, then the hose finally popped off as her mouth sunk into her fat. She tried to raise her head but the skin from her nose merged with her chins which merged with her chest and so on. The cookies worked still, her cheeks were melding with what had been her shoulders, her hair felt like it was sliding off in clumps. Soon she was nothing more than a blob with eyes, ears and a nose. And soon those too sank into her mass, her eyes closing one after the other as she submerged completely into a blob.

But she was not gone. She was aware. She was in there still. And the cookies had plans for what was essentially a massive ball of dough.

Choice 1: Mila is pushed into a new shape like Morgna, but something much bigger, perhaps a dragoness, or a sea monster.

Choice 2: Mila's mass is put into a machine to be processed. She comes out a massive living pastry. One that can regenerate from anyone eating her.

Choice 3: Mila is put into a machine and comes out as a thousand small gingerbread cookies. But each is still her, her mind controls all of them. She has her own tiny army of mini versions of herself. Whas this how the living Gingerbread cookies came to be?

Choice 4: Mila's mass is fed through pips to a stable of sorts where it's fed to Tam-Tam. But thouch consumed Mila is still not dead. Her mass becomes part of Tam-Tam and the two merge. Mila able to move around Tam-Tam's fat like pushing pudding around in a water balloon.
Reshaped into something really big.
End Of Story

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