Extend the Story - Add a Room

The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
A Maze of Tunnels All Alike

By: Drakin

“Thank you,” Morgana giggled, her blue frame bouncing slowly, “You know, my mind is like, feeling a little clearer now. Before I was in a fog, but now? I can kinda sorta maybe remember a few things.”

“That's great, we can sort that out later though. Right now we should get back to Tam-Tam,” Mila started to pull Morgana's wrist.

“Ooh, Tammy? I just saw her,” Morgana replied.

Mila's mind lurched, briefly stumbling on the question of why she was 'Mi-Mi' and Tam-Tam was 'Tammy' before getting back on topic. “You saw her? Where?”

“Just a couple minutes ago in the corridor. At least I think it was her. She, like, looked very different. But that red hair and the brown fur and that udder... I'm almost maybe certain it was her.”

“If she's down here we can't leave her. We need to find her.”

“Alright, but I think those cookies wanted me to wait here...” Morgana began, but Mila pulled her along anyway. The Blubbery blue bat bimbo following along at a waddle as her massive hips shook like a mountain of jello behind a gut that could have held Mila's whole form at present inside.

When they got to the door Mila peaked out, but saw no sign of anyone in the dimly lit corridor. “Ok, which way?”

“Which way for what?” Morgana asked, cocking her head in confusion as Mila stiffed a groan.

“Which way did you see Tam-Tam?”

“Oh.” Morgana brightened, “I think it was down the corridor to the left and they were going right at the intersection.”

Mila lead the way out, hoping Morgana was right and not being forgetful. Still, as they rounded the corner indicated there was no sign of Tam-Tam and they had to press on. All the while Mila worried if they were going the right way.

Choice 1: Morgana was right about the directions and they eventually find Tam-Tam

Choice 2: Morgana got her 'left' and 'right' backwards and they've been going in the wrong direction.

Choice 3: The pair don't find Tam-Tam but do run into someone else.

Choice 4: They wander somewhere they shouldn't and the pair are captured and taken to a lab for experimentation.
They're going the wrong way and are lost.
End Of Story

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