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The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
Shape What You Are

By: Drakin

Morgana was still out of it. Dissy from both the rolling and the juicing, so she barely registered the cookies half pushing, half dragging her over to the metal table. “Why am I still blue?” Was all she she could managed before she sat at the table and, before she could act, the cookies pushed her flat and strapped her down.

Only then did it down on her something was wrong. “Hey! HEY! What are you doing to me you creepy cookies!?”

But no answer came, at least nothing verbal. Mila snuck closer, ducking behind counters with beakers and bottles, but she almost needn't have bothered. The cookies seemed intent on Morgana, even to the point Mila was sure a few must have seen her slip in and done nothing about it. Still, she didn't dare approach the table just yet lest they capture her as well. Better to find out what they intended first. Maybe they were doing something to change Morganas colors back to normal?

But it seemed such was not the case. Instead a large hose descended from somewhere in the ceiling and the cookies strapped it over Morgana's face. She tried to stop them, twisting and biting a few, but in the end enough held her head still the rest were able to get the tube down her mouth and strap it on.

One of the cookies stood on a small control panel near the table. And once the strap was in place they pulled a lever attached to it. Somewhere in the room a pump whirred to life and Morgana struggled and mumbled as the hose began to bulge. With suffocation being her only other option, the blue bat eventually began to swallow, gulping whatever the tube was providing her.

In truth it was not bad, Morgana reasoned, like thick caramel pudding mixed with fudge. But the flow didn't stop. On and on it went as her belly began to bulge and swell upwards, growing into a dome and then a mound of blue skin.

Oddly though, the flow then stopped when her stomach had reached about the size of a large pumpkin. Both Morgana and Mila expected (or at least hoped) the hose would be removed, but the cookies left it in place. Instead a dozen of them set to work on Morgana's stomach, bouncing and rolling and squeezing it in all different directions as the bat couldn't resist moaning at the sensations as they helped her digest the food.

Little by little the dome shrank and the rest of Morgana began to thicken as new fatty deposits formed all across her body. By the time the cookies had stopped Morgana was still a naked blue bat but double her former weight.

Then the cookies set about something new. The massages returned but they seemed much more directed in some way as they spread across her body. Rhythmically squeezing her belly up towards her chest or rubbing her double chin down her neck.

And little by little Mila watched as they literally sculpted Morgana's body. The fat deposits shifted under her skin as they moved the fat around, pushing excess from her limbs and head down into her chest, making her breasts swell. Or pushing fat up from her thicker calves into her thighs to shape them into impressive flaring hips.

The cookies worked diligently and soon Morgana looked more like a curvy bombshell than the rough pirate she'd been before. Her frame literally re-sculpted into something new.

Choice 1: The cookies let Morgana go, but the bat is different. Her mind is much more dim and bimbo like to match her new curvy body.

Choice 2: The cookies aren't done. Another round of filling and sculpting commences.

Choice 3: Mila wants in on the action and emerges, ready to try some of whatever is in the hose.

Choice 4: The cookies appear done with Morgana for now and wander off elsewhere. Mila emerges, but does she free Morgana or try filling and sculpting her more herself?
Mila takes a turn shaping Morgana.
End Of Story

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