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The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
A Lake of Blueberry Mass

By: Drakin

As Mila looked around she heard a distant sound that was hard to place. It was hard to pin down the source though due to the sheer enormity of the tank she'd fallen into. It had to be wide enough to fit all of The Pirate's Fate from bowsprit to stern. Though it was hard to make out in the dim light.

Slowly she sloshed forward, heaving her thicker frame through the thick juice. Even in such a huge tank the juice rose nearly to the middle of her wider thighs. And the more she sloshed about the less it seemed like just juice. It was thicker, heavier. More like Blueberry jam than liquid.

Again the noise sounded and Mila was sure now. It sounded like moaning. Was Morgana in there with her as well? “Morgana!?” Mila called, her voice echoing around the vat, “Are you there!? Say something!”

Another moan followed along with a mumble that was hard to make out. Mila called again as she continued to move forwards. Again a reply this one she could just make out. “Mila? Ugh stop it. Just let me sleep.”

“Morgana you can't sleep in here,” Mila called again, still moving, trying to follow her crew-mate's voice, “You could drown in this juice. Where are you?”

“What do you mean?” Came the still sleepy reply. “I'm right here. You're the one poking me.”

“I'm not poking you,” Mila replied, moving a little faster for fear Morgana was in danger, but the edge of the tank was coming into view and there was still no sign of her.

“Yes you are, I can feel you poking me all along... um, wait...” Morgana voice was suddenly... {i}behind{/i} Mila? She turned but there was nothing there either.

“Mila, something's wrong. I can't feel my arms. I can't feel my legs! I can't even open my eyes!” Morgana's voice grew in panic and seemed to echo all around the chamber.

“Just calm down, we'll figure this out,” Mila cautioned her, “Focus on one thing at a time. Try to follow the sound of my voice. Tell me if I'm getting close.”

“But you are. It'd swear you're right next to me.” Mila gain looked around but there was no one near her. Then she felt the jam quiver along her thigh.

A wild, impossible notion crept into her head.

“Morgana,” Mila said slowly, “Try something for me. Listen closely to the sound of my voice and where it's coming from. Then focus, very strongly, on opening your eyes to look at me.”

“I don't see how that will do anything, but fine.” Morgana sighed (Mila was sure she felt the whole room shiver at the sound), and made the attempt.

Mila watched as before her the blueberry jam shifted, rose slightly and then began to change. Two lighter colored pools opened, almost glowing faintly as they spun, and then focused on the feline. “Mila?” She watched as the pools, each almost half a foot across rose up on the side of a rising mound, a mound that slowly took shape complete with ears and a hog-nosed muzzle.

The features of Morgana, almost three times her former size, rose out of the blueberry goop, made entirely of the jiggling mass.

“Mila?” Morgana repeated a mouth appearing on her face but the words seemed to resonate from her whole body as it continued to slowly gain shape, “What's happened to me?”

“Just another chapter in our crazy lives,” Mila sighed looking up at the macro {x}slime{/x} blueberry jam female in front of her still laying in a puddle of herself.

Choice 1: Morgana freaks out. She doesn't want to be a gooey giantess. Her thrashing about eventually busts a whole in the chamber to escape through.

Choice 2: Morgana likes the change. As she begins to reform her body she finds she can change shape as will. Becoming anything she wants, even creating small normal-sized copies of herself that think and act like her. Her skills and powers only develop further the more she practices.

Choice 3: Despite the sheer absurdity of it all, Mila begins to feel hungry again. And acting on some implanted instinct Morgana begins feeding gobs of her own body to the feline, bloating her up hugely.

Choice 4: A distant noise alerts them to the fact they aren't alone. Did one of the other crew find them? Someone new? Or has Tam-Tam been dropped unceremoniously into the chamber with them.
Morgana Freaks out.
End Of Story

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