Extend the Story - Add a Room

The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
The Blueberry Tank

By: sup

Before Mila could even reach the exit, she could feel the floor underneath her feet trembling.

"Oh..." Mila said before the floor under her gave out as she was sent tumbling down a slide that slid up and down and loop de looped before it went into a huge tank where Mila fell in with a huge splash.

"Ugh...that was one ride I do not wanna ride again. I feel like I'm gonna throw up." Mila said after resurfacing as she tried to keep herself afloat before smelling the air. "Why do I smell...blueberries." Mila said realizing what she was swimming in. "This is blueberry juice! That must mean the cookies managed to juice Morgana. Oh...what a relief." she sighed with comfort at the fact that her friend may be feeling her own normal self again.

But then Mila came back to her current situation, she had fallen through the floor and somehow ended up in the tank where all the blueberry juice is stored. Question was why she was seemingly placed at such a peculiar place to begin with.

As she started to climb out...
Something else?
End Of Story

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