Extend the Story - Add a Room

The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
Total Bovine Blob

By: Drakin

Tam-Tam watched the door shut with some apprehension. With both Morgana and Mila gone now she was completely on her own. But on the flip side that meant she had all the food to herself. And she resumed gorging at an even more impressive speed thanks to the lack of distractions.

Tam-Tam grew at a simply impressive pace now. Had anyone been close by they might have heard it as the blubber filled her bovine frame, like pudding being squished into a balloon,. Her frame bubbled and blorped as meal after meal disappeared down her throat, along with what soon amounted to gallons of her own milk from her gigantic udder and breasts.

Soon she lost all mobility in her arms and became unable to feed herself. “Moooore,” the bovine mooed lowly, “Please, moooore fooood...” And the cookies were eager to oblige, forming as bucket chain up her side as they brought still more cakes, pies, pastries, and sweets to her mouth.

Tam-Tam grew bigger and bigger without a thought in her head for anything but filling the bottomless pit in her stomach. Her legs were buried, hooves that her belly would have spread beyond the reach of were absorbed into sagging rolls of thigh and hip flab. Her butt and cascade of back rolls slurped up her tail like a spaghetti noodle until only the tuft was faintly visible over a butt that could have crushed a couch under each cheek.

Her arms slowly vanished, hands vanishing into more divots of fat that pressed against breasts each big enough to have held all of Milas bloated body inside. The nipples were hard to milk for the cookies, each being stretched to the size of a large washtub but they dribbled milk in a constant enough stream they collected it easy enough. Same with her udder that, though squashed under her belly, managed to stretch just a bit further to extend teats the length of the tables legs into open air to leak more milk.

Tam tam was in bliss as her cheeks squashed into the half dozen rings of lard that surrounded and rose over her head in a hill of adipose she was sinking into. If she had one complaint it was that her mouth was so surrounded by fat she could barely open it to receive more food. (Well that and she couldn't move an inch, but that was second to the food issue in her mind.)

(Un)fortunately the cookies had an answer as a long hose was reeled out from somewhere Tam-Tam couldn't make out and pressed into her mouth. After a moment the sweet taste of ice cream and mashed bits of cheesecake flooded her brain and she gave a low mumbling moo of contentment.

She had just about filled the room and made the cookies job impossible when there came a loud 'CA-CLUNK!' and the floor dropped half a foot. After that it began descending at a more steady pace as the mass of near total fat and bliss that was Tam-Tam was lowered down a shaft, the hose trailing after her.


Meanwhile Mila had finally neared the end of the strange tunnel. Though she'd been too slow to keep Morgana in sight. The whole thing had curved slowly, eventually making a loop that the feline could only guess curled back the way she had come. Albeit down closer to some basement level perhaps.

Or was it lower? She had no way of telling in the dim light. She wasn't even sure how the space was lit as there were no torches on the walls, and the stone seemed unusually smooth.

Still the end appeared to be inside as she spied the mouth of the tunnel. And as she got closer she could see it lead into...

Choice 1: A secret laboratory, chemicals and machines line the walls and tables are filled with jars and flasks of all sorts. And at the far end Morgana is being rolled into some strange looking machine.

Choice 2: A series of enormous pens, all empty except for the last which contained a huge, brown furred... wait, was that Tam-Tam?

Choice 3: The tunnels exit seemed distorted and weird, the place beyond unusually colorful though shapes are hard to make out. Mila steps through and finds herself in an even stranger world than the mansion.

Choice 4: Before Mila can reach the exit the floor drops out from under her and she falls down a slide into a huge tank full of something sticky and... smelling of blueberries? (No Morgana death.)
Something else?
End Of Story

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