Extend the Story - Add a Room

The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
Hitting the Gym

By: sup

Searching on their own, Morgana and Darious soon stumbled upon a home gym. A surprise considering what Morgana and her group had encountered. Across the room was a lot of fitness equipment such as weights and treadmills, even a deluxe swimming pool and an indoor track.

"Well, this was the last thing I expected to find here." Morgana said looking at a few weights.

"You know...it wouldn't hurt for you two lift a few of these. Maybe shed some of that blubber you've built up." Darious said.

"What? But I'm as strong as I..." Morgana said.

"You may be heavier but not strong. We need someone who is quick to defend, not someone who'll sit on their ass and eat their cares away." Darious said sternly.

Morgana wanted to argue back but she couldn't deny that her time in the kitchen and the effects of the rune have reduced her to a shell of what she used to be. A fat back with an insatiable appetite.

"All right. I'll try and get back some of my strength." Morgana said reluctantly.

"That a girl. I'll see if I can't find anything here myself." Darious said as he left Morgana alone.
Something else?
End Of Story

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