Extend the Story - Add a Room

The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292

By: sup

As soon as Morgana uttered the word 'chilly' appearing in her hands was a bowl and inside it was some actual spicy chili. "What in the world?" Morgana said in surprise upon seeing the food appear before her.

"That's odd. You were just talking about being chilly and now you have actual chili." Mila said as she was just as puzzled as the bat.

"Its almost as if you summoned it out of...hmm. Morgana...try and ask for something else." Tam-Tam said thinking she was onto something.

"Okay..." Morgana said as she set down the bowl. "I could go for a sandwich?" she asked as an actual sandwich appeared right in her hands. "How am I doing this?" she said in disbelief.

"I think it was that rune. When it blasted you in the bottom, it gave you some weird magical ability over food." Tam-Tam said.

"Really? Something that'll make me even more bigger than I already am?" Morgana said in a bit of frustration as she ate the sandwich in her hand. "Well, guess its better than nothing." she said as they continued on.

On the way...
The three stumble upon something in another room
End Of Story

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