Extend the Story - Add a Room

The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
Beware of Magical Discharges

By: Drakin

“Well I suppose the next thing we should do is find a way to loose all this weight,” Mila sighed a she slapped her own jiggling gut which rolled against Morgana's more massive frame and cause her in turn to jiggle against Tam-Tam as the three sprawled against eachother.

“Well, there was a magical way we gained weight,” Tam-Tam noted sagely, “There must be a magical way to lose it.”

“Yeah, starvation diets are so magical,” Morgana grumped, though the slight flush to her cheeks hinted she maybe didn't hate her enormity as much as she let on.

“Well we'll lose them one way or another, I'm sure. And if not I'm sure we can manage just fine.”

Mila would have like to agree, but then her eyes fell on the rune covered by her headband. A strong glow was emanating from it enough to be seen through the cloth.

“Oh dear,” Tam-Tam muttered when Mila had pointed it out. “I don't like the look of that.”

“We need to go. Now. We can come back for the rune later now that we know where it is.”

Tam-Tam struggled to her feet and then helped Mila to her own, the felines belly reaching almost to her toes. But Morgana was bigger than both of them combined and then some. Her whole body spread wider than the kitchen table and could have served as a bed for someone as small as Leeko.

As the pair head and struggled to counter Morgana's weight and get her to her bloated feet, the rune began to shake and jitter on the floor, the bandanna slipping. They nearly had her up when the cloth slipped and a beam of red light shot out, barely missing Mila's nose and striking the nearby cabinet. Though it seemed unaffected the smell of strong magic hung in the air like ozone. And no one wanted to see what it would do to any of them.

Finally Morgana was on her feet. At least as best could be determined. Her belly still pooled on the floor in front of her and each beast was so big and heavy her nipples stretched down to her knees, both additional pink balloons at the tips of her breasts.

Modesty was abandoned though in the moment as the tro hurried towards the door as best they could. Tam-Tam was the only one who could dodge the beams coming from the room with any real flexibility, but Mila and Morgana were lucky enough not to be hit. At least until they got to the door and Morgana wedged part way through. As Mila and Tam-Tam shoved and heaved at a butt with cheeks as big as Mila's whole belly, another beam struck Morgana's backside and she yelped loudly as if stung. That little bit was all that was needed though and she popped out into the hall, with Mila squeezing through next and Tam-Tam's hips brushing the door frame as she hastily closed it behind them.

“Morgana, are you alright?” Mila asked, checking where the beam had struck her.

“I'm... fine?” she replied, a little confused, “I feel ok.”

“That's weird,” Tam-Tam blinked, “I was sure you'd be going into another food frenzy immediately.”

“Well I'm clearly not,” Morgana replied with a huff, “Sorry to disappoint you.”

“Don't start,” Mila cautioned them both, “We need to find Darious and tell him about the rune.”

“FIRST we need to mark the room,” Tam-Tam countered, “This place is a magical maze. We'll be lucky to find our way back here without some marker on the door. THEN we should find some way to cover ourselves before finding the captain.”

Mila nodded and looking around spotted a empty flower vase on a stand against the wall. Pinking it up she shielded her face and smashed it on the floor.

“What in the world was that for?” Tam Tam-Tam gaped, “It might have been valuable.”

“We need something to mark the door with,” Mila noted and picked up the largest, sharpest shard she could find and used it to cut into the wallpaper next to the door. A big K for Kitchen and then and R and G for 'Rune of Gluttony'. “We''l mark the left side of every intersection with an arrow pointing the way back to the kitchen.”

“Right, now can we please find some coverings?” Morgana muttered indicating her tightened nipples as wide as dinner plates, “It feels chilly out here.”

Choice 1: As soon as Morgana said 'chilly' a bole of warm spicy chili appeared in her hands. The rune has gifted her the power to summon food at will.

Choice 2: Morganas breasts give a gurgle and then began leaking, but not milk like Tam-Tam. Something else unusual but delicious.

Choice 3: As they walk Morgana gets tired and when Mila goes to give her a hand, as they touch Morgana wishes she wasn't so big and some of her fat is transferred to Mila.

Choice 4: Slowly Morgana's demeanor changes. Going from angry pirate to whining brat. The run has been changing her into a pampered princess who wants everything her way and to be waited on all day by everyone else.
Morgana can transfer fat with a touch.
End Of Story

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