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The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
Two-In-One Female Argument

By: Drakin

Ugh! Morgana! She may not have meant it but this goes beyond some prank. I know darling, this simply will not stand. After all what could be more 'fun' than trapped together in one body slowly losing our sense of self?

Mila and Tam-Tam spoke to each other with one voice as their combined body stomped down the hall, wanting a bit of distance from the demoness for the time being. While they were united in their irritation and moving fine, things came to a brief end when they reached the end of the hall and tried to turn both left and right at the same time only to fall flat on their face, bountiful breasts squishing under them and spraying milk along the floor.

It was left to get back to the stairs at the entrance. Your eyes must be in backwards dear it was clearly right. They're your eyes too, don't give me that.

The pair flailed about as they tried to stand up in one form, but arguing got them nowhere and the two settled down and finally managed to stand.

Look, we need a plan before this goes any further... Yes, something besides just runing back to your captain and hoping he can take care of it... No, I mean yes we need to get back to Darious and tell him what happened. Maybe they've found something magical that can separate us... Oh that's a swell idea dear, maybe they've also found a magical machine that dispenses free ice cream and hot fudge... Don't start, you'll make us hungry again. Oh gods, I said 'us' I'm already thinking of us as one being instead of two.

And the more the pair thought about it the more they could feel it happening. Memories had begun to commingle, and pasts intertwine. Mila remembered doing and saying things that were not her own as Tam-Tam saw Mila's mild childhood mix with her own more unpleasant one. Two different memories in two different places, but ones they both identified as belonging to themselves.

We need to separate now, before we fully merge... I know that dear but how do you propose we do it? ...I don't know! ...Well there's no need to shout. Look, I don't want to fight, but it feels like the more we do the slower this merging thing happens. Maybe if we continue to fight we can will out minds to stay separate long enough to find a cure. Wait, was that your idea or mine? I don't know. Arg!

The feline-bovine thrashed again in frustration unsure what to do. Both Mila and Tam-Tam were getting closer to being one by the minute. Was it too late even now to be separated?

Choice 1: Mila and Tam-Tam keep up their fight long enough to find Darious and explain their situation. Does he have an idea how to separate them?

Choice 2: Mila and Tam-Tam try random doors hoping to find an answer to their problem.

Choice 3: Morgana catches up to the pair and apologizes, saying she'll try to separate them, but she makes no promises that it'll work.

Choice 4: It's too late. Mila and Tam-Tam fully fuse. TaMila is born properly and the new feline-bovine cow looks around, wondering what to do now.
It's too late. TaMila is born.
End Of Story

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