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The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292

By: sup

Looking in a mirror, Mila looked in shock. While she still looked feline, she now had horns growing from her head, hooves for her feet and big breasts and an udder.

"What the? Huh?" she said in surprise.

"Yeah. Seems having two in my belly wasn't a good idea. When you reformed, only one came out. First I thought one had died but...turns out you two fused together. Half you...half...well you know." Morgana explained.

"Well, darling, what will happen to...each of us?" the joined girl asked.

"Well...I am fairly new to all this but...if I had to guess...you both would eventually join together. No one being Mila or Tam-Tam. One single person." Morgana said.

"Well you have to fix us!" she said.

"You're joking right? I'm a demon of gluttony, not some weird magician." Morgana said as she helped herself to some donuts.

"Ugh." the joined girl said as she got up from her bed. "I'm going to fix this myself." she said marching out.

"Hmm...I should follow but..." Morgana said as she kept feasting.
Something else?
End Of Story

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