Extend the Story - Add a Room

The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
Who Knew Demons Had a Sense of Humor?

By: Drakin

Tam-Tam might have had a chance if she'd started closer to the door. As it was she wasn't even able to grab the doorknob before the much larger and stronger Morgana managed to grab her tail and drag the gecko girl back, feet sliding along the tiles as she lost her balance with her heavier body.

Mila on the other hand couldn't even make it as far in the opposite direction. Five heaving, bouncing steps and her massive body struggled and collapsed with her gasping for breath.

Morgana dragged Tam-Tam back and placed a large cloven hoof on Mila's back to prevent her from getting up. “Now you just wait there,” she growled, her voice rumbling with demonic might, “I want to enjoy this.”

Morgana used the claws on her larger hands too swiftly shred Tam-Tam's clothes and toss them aside. “You really have been such a pain since you got here,” she sneered, “I think feet first would be best.”

“Stop it!” Tam-Tam streaked, “Stop it now you crazy bitch!” She kicked and thrashed but her new weight tired her easily and it soon took little effort for Morganato grab the gecko's feet and stuff them in her mouth. Tam-Tam would have laughed at the tickling sensation of Morgana's tongue if she wasn't freaking out that it was actually happening.

Little by little the goat demoness' mouth and throat stretched and bulged the grip too strong for Tam-Tam to wiggle free as her knees passed the back of Morgana's throat. Then came the real challenge of her butt and tail. Again she toyed with the gecko girl. Tongue weaving between her thick thighs to lick at her snatch and Tam-Tam hated the fact that her body shivered in pleasure at the work of the creature consuming her.

Her stomach and butt were a real challenge, especially including her fat tail, but once Morgana was past them she could let Tam-Tam's own weight be her downfall as she slid deeper and deeper, with only one minor hitch along the way with her breasts. Morgana's long tongue licked each nipple and Tam-Tam's cries fell silent as the pressure on her chest all but squeezed the air from her lungs.

A least only her head was free and she begged Morgana “P-please... stop...” But the demoness just grinned and with along pull slurped up the remains of the gecko gal into her massive stomach.

“Now... how about dessert?” she grinned at Mila. The feline had almost caught her breath enough to make another push for escape, but Morgana was too quick and began slurping up her feet and tail much as she had Tam-Tam.

The process went much the same as it had for her compatriot, only there was a brief moment of hope near the apex of Mila's diameter where it nearly seemed like Morgana wouldn't be able to stretch her jaw any wider. But she did manage it somehow and soon Mila found the jaws closing over her head as she slid down into the steamy darkness...


“Wake up... Wake up sleepyheads...”

Mila opened her eyes and the grinning face of Morgana brought all her memories of being devoured back in a rush she nearly screamed. Only to see the goat suddenly burst out laughing.

“Oh wow!” she managed between laughs, “You both bought it! I can't *ha-ha* I can't believe it...”

“Morgana? What...?” Mila blinked in confusion, only down realizing she was laying in a soft bed in another room.

“You really thought I'd eat both of you? Oh wow, I haven't had that much fun in years!” She continued to chortle and giggle even as she calmed down.

“But... you did... didn't you?” Mila's memory replayed the whole event of them being devoured, remembering all the struggles and screams.

“Oh I swallowed you certainly,” Morgana grinned, “But just because you ended up in my stomcah doesn't mean I ate you.”

Mila blinked in confusion. “You're going to have to explain that.”

“I'm a demoness now,” Morgana explained as if it was obvious, “It's more unique than swallowing something and it becoming part of me. Yes you two did 'dissolve' in a sense, but you regenerated outside of my body because I wanted you to. And take a look...”

She backed off to show her figure, which was even bigger and taller than Mila had last recalled. “I took some of your mass for myself. Helped make you slimmer when you reformed. Basically now I can eat someone and it doesn't kill them, but makes me bigger and stronger while they get smaller in mass.”

“And that's all you did?” Mila asked, a strange feeling of concern rising in her mind. Something still felt wrong.

“Well... I am new to this 'reforming' process' and two bodies in my stomach at once might have been a mistake. You see...”

Choice 1: Mila is now in Tam-Tam's body and vice versa. And Morgana isn't sure how to switch them back.

Choice 2: Mila and Tam-Tam are stuck together like conjoined twins, two heads on one body merged along one side.

Choice 3: Mila and Tam are merged into one being. A 50/50 blend of both of them. And the longer they stay together the more their minds co-mingle into one new personality of TaMila.

Choice 4: Tam-Tam and Mila are both visibly younger than they should be, years taken from their bodies as they now look pre-puberty despite having the same minds.
Conjoined twins.
End Of Story

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