Extend the Story - Add a Room

The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
Demonic Powers Used for Good?

By: Drakin

As they left the kitchen Morgana was in high spirits. The feeling of the demonic powers coursing through her was intoxicating. She felt drunk but in a way that left her mind fully clear and awaire of her surroundings.

Perhaps more aware than ever. As her eyes scanned the hall she could see all the tiny cracks and faded spots of the extremely old mansion she'd never noticed before. The rug felt more coarse and patchy under her hooves, and the smells of dust, mold, and other things lingered in her nose.

And then she smelled something new. Something tantalizing.

She sniffed again, it was actually a pair of scents, so close she couldn't help but zero in on them. One was sweet, soft, she might even have called it 'meek' but with just a hint of something more bold. The other smelled faintly spicy, like grill seasonings with just a hunt of charring akin to medium well steak and perhaps over-seasoned with salt.

She was almost inches from the girls when she realized what she was smelling was Mila and Tam-Tam.

Morgana recoiled, fearful she might be tempted to eat them. But as she sniffed again the new demoness realized it wasn't specifically them she was smelling that was so appealing.

It was their souls.

She could almost see it now, like a faint glow at the core of their bodies. Mila's life of meek innocence coupled with a few outbursts and her recent changes since arriving in the mansion had kept her soul mostly clean, with hardly a sin staining it. But Tam-Tam, she could almost see the various black spots where the bovine had lied, cheated, flattered, and done whatever she could to get her way. It wasn't that there was no good in her, Morgana could see a decent amount buried deep down, but she was far more stained than Mila was.

And to Morgana it seemed delicious.

Still she gave herself a hard pinch. She would not eat Tam-Tam's soul, no matter how much her demon body craved it. But... she wondered if she might do something else...

“Mila, will you excuse us for a moment?” Morgana grabbed Tam-Tam's thick wrist and dragged her (wish surprising strength) into the nearest room and shut the door in the surprised felines face.

“Morgana what are you...?” Tam-Tam began and then grew worried at the look on Morgana's face as she closed in.

“Don't worry, this won't hurt... I think.”

Before Tam-Tam could protest the bovine muttered muffled shock as Morgana planted a powerful kiss right on her lips. The inclination to struggle and pull away fairly quickly as she stood limply in Morgana's grip. But it wasn't just a form of affection Morgana was performing (although she did silently admit Tam-Tam looked a bit cute to her too). Instead she began reaching down the bovines throat with her power, reaching in and taking hold of what amounted to her soul.

In a flash Morgana saw all of Tam-Tam's life, all of her choices and mistakes, her successes and failues. All of it passed in a flash. Perhaps Morgana would look at what she'd felt more closely another time, but for now she pressed on.

She began to suck, pulling the essence up and out of Tam-Tam's mouth. As the demoness backed off it emerged like a long black tendril from her throat and with a waving almost lazy motion it approached Morgana who bit down on the tip and began to drink.

It would have been disgusting to anyone else, but to Morgana she tasted all of Tam-Tam's since like various rich flavors of cooked meat and twice baked potatoes, Smoky sausage, and spicy chili. All of it she drank and drank as her own form widened off the immense calories of another's sins. But as she drank the darkness faded from the tendril, the black tar growing splotchy, and then breaking even further to reveal the blueish white glow hidden underneath.

Morgana kept up the feast until every last drop had been sucked away, then she released the mass, and let it fall, sliding back down Tam-Tam's throat. Only once it was fully inside her did she begin to wake up again.

“Oh... my,” she groaned, “What... what just happened?”

“Welcome to a new life Bessie,” Morgana chucked thumping her own larger gut, “Turns out this demon form can do quite a bit more than just create food. I just feasted on all your sins. You're litterally as innocent as the day you were born.”

“But that can't be...,” Tam-Tam blinked, “I remember... oh god I remember.” Before sh could stop herself tears welled up in her eyes. The numerous sins she'd had accumulated acted as a buffer, defending her mind from the worst things she'd done. Now she had to accept that she had done them out of selfishness and hurt others in the process.

“After a minute she sniffed, “I'll... I'll be ok. It just hit me all at once.”

“I bet,” Morgana smirked, but there was no ridicule in her voice, “You'll feel better than ever soon though, I'm sure.”

Choice 1: Only now that they're done do the pair look around at the room they're in and find it quite surprising.

Choice 2: Only now do the pair hear a cough and realize Darious and/or Leeko have been in the room the whole time, watching them.

Choice 3: They open the door to find Mila, completely confused and concerned for what just happened.

Choice 4: They open the door and Mila is gone. Somehow she vanished during their little event.
Darious and/or Leeko just saw everything.
End Of Story

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