Extend the Story - Add a Room

The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
Mansion de Morgana

By: sup

As the three of them continued to walk the halls, they were unaware of what Morgana's newfound status was doing. As Morgana's demonic energy continued to grow with her body, it was beginning to have an effect on the mansion as it was warping and changing to match her desires.

While they roamed down one hall, it would slowly change. The wallpaper turning a vibrant red as the framed pictures turned into portraits of Morgana being served by fat furs as well as Mila and Tam-Tam as she seemed content with being served. There were even pillars of flames being formed as they passed each portrait.

"Do you ever get the feeling that you just stumbled into something you shouldn't have?" Mila asked, unaware of the heat that the hall was putting off.

"Sometimes but you learn to get over it." Tam-Tam said without much of a care. "Although, it does feel like its sweltering a little bit. Maybe we should take a break."

"Good Idea. I could use a chance to get off my feet." Morgana said as she was just as ignorant.
All three enter Morgana's personal chambers
End Of Story

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