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The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
Something (Potentially) Wicked This Way Comes

By: Drakin

For a long couple minutes nothing seemed to happen. Each of the girls simply looked between each other wondering who had the rune while trying to recall if they'd tasted anything strange when the last few cookies went down their throats.

In the end it was Morgana who first felt something was wrong.

It started as a twisting, churning feeling in her stomach which expressed itself as a small burp followed by a slightly larger one.

“Oh shit...,” she muttered, clutching her exposed middle. While Tam-Tam and Mila watched, red lines appeared on Morgana's stomach as if drawn by a unseen hand. The symbol that slowly appeared looked similar to a doughnut but with an eye at the center and flames radiating around it. The same symbol that had been on the rune.

Morgana burped again, longer this time and groaned as she felt her body ache. What remained of her boots strained and tore as her toes merged together into large cloven hooves. Her fur turned reddish brown and grew longer and shaggier as it rose up her legs, the changes shredding any remaining clothes in the way.

“This... Oooh this feels so wrong,” Morgana groaned and then 'eeped' as the changes reached her privates. What exactly happened was hidden by her belly but her tail grew longer and sprouted a tuft of fur at the end. Her rear had also gown wider and her stomach expanded to match. As the wave rolled over her stomach the symbol changed from just drawn on to glowing faintly as if lit from fires behind it.

“But why...,” she moaned as it progressed up to her chest, “Does it feel good too?” Her breasts underwent the most dramatic change yet. Not only surging to double their previous size to become real watermelons of mammary flesh capped with dark skinned nipples the size of Mila's pudgy fist. But they also doubled in number, a second pair growing under the first and squeezing out to the sides to partially wrap around her immense pumpkin sized belly.

Morgana clutched at her new additions in shock and then saw her hands changing. Her pinkie finger and ring fingers were merging into one and all four of her remaining digits grew thicker with large triangular wedges at the tip. As if her hands were the mid point between hands and hooves.

“I don't want this...” Morgana groaned as the changes pushed up her arms to merge with the flow reaching her wide neck.

“But it feels...,” she panted as her jaw distorted, growing rounder as her nose rounded and smoothed down. Her teeth grew sharp in her mouth and a pair of fangs extended down from her upper lip.

“So very...,” she continued as the changes rose over the back of her head, her hair growing longer and streaked with red and orange like painted on flames. A pair of black horns erupted from her head and curled backwards as the changes closed in on her eyes.

“Gooooddd.” The last word dragged out into a growl as her eyes shifted, the whites turning bright red and the irises shimmering gold with an elongated pupil like a cats.

The newly formed demonic goat reared back to her full height, having gained at least a foot in the change and stretched her shoulders, the small and near vestigial wings Morgana had once had fanned out to a larger size. Perhaps not enough to fly with naturally, but still more noticeable than she'd once had.

“Morgana?” Mila asked timidly. “Is it still you?”

The towering round and voluptuous figure looked at her with a smile and answered.

Choice 1: “Of course it's me. You think a little cosmetic change is going to change who I am inside? No dumb rune can twist my mind.”

Choice 2: “I'm me still. But I feel so... powerful. It's intoxicating. This magic.” She then waves her hand and the room is filled with the most delicious foods any of the three had ever seen.

Choice 3: “Mila, you sound worried. But please don't be. That'll only make you less palatable.” She licks her fangs in a disturbing way.

Choice 4: “Sorry dear. Your friend isn't here anymore. Her soul is in my possession now. I am the demoness of Gluttony. Thank you for reviving me.”
Some other response.
End Of Story

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