Extend the Story - Add a Room

The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
Putting a Lid On Things, For Now

By: Drakin

Morgana looked at the jar, and rather than picking it up this time she grabbed the lid and pressed it down on top. As soon as she did though all the cookies and pastries in the room stopped moving, falling over as they became inanimate lumps of dough and frosting again. Curious Morgana lifted the lid and saw some start to stir back to life and stopping once again when she closed it.

“Well that's useful,” she noted and lifted the lid and let the cookies stir to life once more. All of them looked at her as she held it over the jar, ready to cap it at a moments notice. “Now listen all you problematic pastries. You are going to finish what you're doing, serve the last of the food cooking, clean up and you're either going back in the jar or down one of our throats. Is that understood?”

While the cookies gave no outwards signs of agreement, as the last meals were prepared pans went into the sink to wash, and were dried and hung back in place while ingredients were put away in spice racks and pantries.

“Did you need to do that Morgana?” Mila sighed, her large cheeks wobbling, “Their food is amazing.”

“And you would eat yourself into a mountain sized blob before you stopped,” Morgana replied, “I can tell. Better we end this now before we all end up too fat to move.”

“But you're not going to leave that jar here are you?” Tam-Tam asked, trying to saver the last of the meals as they arrived.”

“Hell no. It's coming with us,” Morgana smiled, “Even if they are just pastries, an servant army of edible beings is too useful to pass up on. We could probably get them to do all sorts of things for us...”

“Like cook,” Mila suggested, “Or bake. Or...”

“Stuff besides just that,” Morgana rolled her eyes.

“But including it?” Tam-Tam prodded.

“Yes,” Morgana groaned, “But I'm sure they can do more if we're specific.”

One last surprise though awaited them. Once the meals were done and the clean-up complete, rather than head to the jar, each and every cookie climbed up the females sides and began working into their mouths. Morgana and Tam-Tam resisted at first, though Tam-Tam accepted after the first couple. Mila just chomped down one after another eagerly, her massive frame gaining a scant few more millimeters in diameter in the process.

Morgana was the only one who protested nearly the whole time, but it wasn't until one of the cookies actually tried climbing into her skintight pants that she relented. Better to have them enter her in the more comfortable way.

Although as she crunched her last one and swallowed, sed tight pants finally turned in their resignation and tore along both thighs, spilling nearly a foot of bat blubber in both directions.

“Ugh, I wonder if these little things can sew as well,” Morgana groaned.

Getting Mila to her feet proved to be quite difficult, but the feline eventually managed it, wobbling about with her stomach dangling to nearly below her fat hidden ankles.

“What now?” Tam-Tam asked.

“First we find some better clothes,” Morgana huffed, “Then we find the captain and show him we found one of the runes.”

Choice 1: As they prepare to leave they look around for the run and discover it's missing. Somehow it wandered off again. The search continues.

Choice 2: As they prepare to leave they discover the rune is missing. One of the gingerbread men carried it into one of the girls mouths.

Choice 3: After leaving the room they debate where to find clothes. Tam-Tam suggests they use one of the gingerbread anthros who might know the mansion. But will they be helpful?

Choice 4: The search for clothes is delayed when the girls find a room containing a luxurious spa and Tam-Tam insists they rewards themselves with a few hours of relaxing before finding the captain.
Ask the Gingerbread cookies for directions.
End Of Story

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