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The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
Beware, the Magic is a-Jar

By: Drakin

The bat spied the jar the cookies were emerging from as another climbed out of the opening.

“Well I'm putting a stop to this right now,” she growled and stomped over to it, unintentionally crushing a couple cookies under her boots in the process.

Grabbing the jar she made to throw it across the room, but somehow the jar refused. Sticking to her hands as if glued and making her stumble with the unexpected failure to let go. “Hey! Let go!” She shook the jar, causing more cookies to fly out of it as she tried to dislodge it from the invisible grip on her hands.

The fight she had with the jar only grew more desperate and intense as she thrashed around the kitchen, knocking over plates and crushing many pastries in the process of delivering more food to the two at the table. Once she even fell against Mila, the big blob cushioning her and sloshing like a mass of fur covered pudding as she failed to completely right herself before Morgana was off again.

Eventually Morgana tired and fell to her elbows leaning against the table as she caught her breath, “Just what the hell is this thing?” she asked between pants.

And that was when she looked into the jar for the first time and her eyes went wide.

“What in the world...?”

“What is it?” Tam-Tam asked, her curiosity and willpower returning in the disruption, though she could see the cookies moving again, bringing more food to her (Mila already had a sub sandwich being worked into her mouth as she was pushed upright).

“It's like... a town,” Morgana muttered, “Like I'm looking out of a tunnel at a street that leads into a town, but everything is made of candy. The houses the population, the trees the fields the animals... I think I can even see a river made of chocolate. Or soda or something. It's brown whatever it is.”

“That must be where all these cookies came from,” Tam-Tam noted.

“Well someone tell them to get this thing off my hands before I find a way to shove it right up their... Hey!”

Morgana interrupted herself as a sound from the jar grew louder, a strong noise like a powerful wind. And though it affected nothing else in the room Morgana felt the tug, and with a yelp her head was pulled towards the jars opening. And then sucked inside.

For a moment there was muffled yelling and then Tam-Tam and Mila watched in shock as Morgana's body appeared to compress, her hands loosening their grip as the jar appeared to slurp her up in three quick pulls before landing back on the table with no sign the bat had been there at all.

Choice 1: A moment later a hand emerges from the jar, and bit by bit Morgana climbs back out. Only she's no longer the same bat that went in. Her frame now is made entirely of candy.

Choice 2: Morgana energies soon, normal bat still, but much fatter. Even a few minutes in the other world was enough to pack on the pounds.

Choice 3: Concern for their companion taking precedent, Tam-Tam and Mila follow her, with Mila needing a little help to get through the magical jar's opening due to her size.

Choice 4: Both Mila and Tam-Tam become distracted by food again. Morgana has a solo adventure in Candyland.
Something else.
End Of Story

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