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The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
More Confidence and Morgana's Return

By: Drakin

Tam-Tam soon felt herself fall into a rhythm with Mila and the animated pastries. They'd bring the pair food, the girls ate eagerly, then the cookies would milk Tam-Tam before the cycle started over. Milked regularly it only took a minute or two and filled about four bottles. One to a breast and two from her udder. Granted this was her being emptied about every five to ten minutes depending on how long it took to eat, but it was still a substantial flow.

Tam-Tam hardly even realized she was on her fifth platter before she heard a noise. Glancing across the table she saw Mila shift in her chair, leaning to one side and then the other, and each time she did there was another pop and creak. Though Tam-Tam could not see over the table or around Mila's (thicker?) love-handles, it wasn't hard to guess her clothing was looking a good deal smaller than it had before.

“You might want to consider dialing it back on on the sweets there dear,” Tam-Tam noted, “How many cakes have you had by now.”

“More than you I bet,” Mila replied with surprising confidence, “And don't feel like you can judge me on my manners when you've had a whole two cakes yourself.”

Tam-Tam blinked. Two cakes? Surely not. She would have noticed if she'd had so much... wouldn't she?

“Anyway,” Mila continued before Tam-Tam could dwell on it, “I'm the one who found these little guys. Be glad I'm sharing them with you. We could have cut you out of all this delicious fun instead.” She didn't even lift her arm as one of the pastries climbed the stack next to her and brought a bottle to Mila's lips for her to drink. Tam-Tam only belatedly realized it was her own milk Mila was consuming. And with each swallow the bovine could see Mila's beginning double chin bounce and jiggle.

“Mila, dear, I think we need to leave,” Tam-Tam muttered even as another cruller was brought to her on a plate, “Something about this doesn't feel right.”

“What's the hurry?” Mila huffed and stifled a burp of contentment as her shirt rose over an expanded belly, “Can't you smell all the delicious food they're making for us?”

Tam-Tam sniffed and for the first time realized it wasn't just baked goods in the air. Looking around she saw the pastries hard at work cooking other things. Big skillets of spaghetti sauce, fried chicken, savory steaks, she even caught a glimpse of a ham in the oven nearly as thick as one of Mila's thighs at present.

“I...,” she hesitated, her mouth watering as she tugged at her snug outfit, “I suppose we could stay a bit longer...”


“Where the hell did those two disappear to?” Morgana growled as she stomped down the hallway, checking room after room as she looked for Mila and Tam-Tam.

It had been nearly nearly twenty minutes before she realized the pair had not been following behind her. And by then the bat had gotten so turned around in the mansion it took another forty to backtrack. It didn't help she was sure some magic kept changing the rooms around as some doors seemed to open to different places than she remembered.

That or she was even more lost than she thought.

“I swear I'm going to make a burger out of that cow for this,” she growled with a huff. Then she sniffed. And sniffed again. Either she was really loosing it or the smell of cooking meat was coming from somewhere nearby.

“Of course, the kitchen,” she muttered, “I might have known that pampered princess couldn't go without a meal for long.” Following her nose eventually lead her to the familiar kitchen door.

Slamming it open she growled, “What do you... two...” she trailed off at the sight before her. The hoards of living pastries transporting the food in wheeled carts across the floor had stopped briefly to give her a look, but continued pulling and pushing a moment later. Her widening eyes traveled across the room, taking in all the little magical food beings cooking at various stations in the huge kitchen (had it always been so big?), and drifting to a huge table practically groaning under various dishes and the living cookies cutting, carrying, spooning, and serving the meals onto large platters.

Then her eyes fell on the only beings not made of food in the room.

*UUUUUURRRRRRPP* “Morgana,” Mila smiled, “So good of you to finally join us.”

The bat stared at the pair, trying to comprehend...

Choice 1: Mila has nearly outgrown her clothes, the feline's outfit in tatters. Tam-Tam is bigger than she was, but still modest for the moment as she willingly eats the feast. Her milk flowing almost constantly now.

Choice 2: Mila is massive. A boulder of a feline that had crushed her chair and now sits on the floor on a rump bigger than Tam-Tam's whole body. The bovine meanwhile is actually making an effort to stuff herself, the remains of her clothes nearly gone.

Choice 3: Tam-Tam and Mila have eaten so much food neither can stand or even lift their arms and are fed completely by the pastries. They look different too, not just fatter. Their body's seem shiny and they smell like candy. Very delicious candy...

Choice 4: Although fatter, Mila is also now taller, her head and shoulders rising above Morgana even while seated. Tam-Tam had tried to leave, but rather than let her go, she's now stuck in a pillory nearby, the trapped cow forced to eat and produce milk for Mila to drink.
Something else.
End Of Story

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