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The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
Be Our Guest

By: Drakin

Tam-Tam almost couldn't believe her eyes.

Mila was seated at the small kitchen table, her rounder belly in her lap, and all around her were little creatures scurrying about the kitchen, climbing the cabinets, working the stove, handling knives and whisks and other kitchen utensils as big as themselves to cut, stir, mix and prepare various food items.

And it was ironic as all of them appeared to be food as well.

The majority were gingerbread cookies with icing outlines and candy eyes. But there were other things too, creatures made out of mashed together things like doughnuts, eclairs and slices of cake. None were very big, not even coming up to Tam-Tam's knees, but they were everywhere. They moved about directing the others it seemed and formed a chain up a stacked pile of cookbooks to reach to Mila's height and offer food to her face.

Mila swallowed the last bight of the pastry she'd been eating and waved Tam-Tam over. “You Tammy, come join me.”

Tam-Tam did not appreciate the nickname but was too shocked by all the strange creatures to form a reply. “Mila, you were out of sight for two minutes. Where did these things come from?”

“Funny think,” Mila replied as she bit into another doughnut, “I thought I'd just take a few cookies from the jar to start with, but as soon as I opened it all these guys came pouring out. They want to just cook and make food for me. And it looks like you too.”

Tam-Tam looked at the table where several gingerbread creatures had pushed a plate towards he, containing a large slice of triple chocolate cake. “I don't know...”

“Oh come on,” Mila replied with a wide smile, “These guys live to serve. They don't even mind when you eat them.” Sure enough Mila demonstrated by grabbing the nearest gingerbread cookie and biting it's arm off. The tiny dragon shaped cookie made no sound, didn't struggle if anything it leaned closer and Mila brought it back to her mouth to finish it in three quick bites.

Tam-Tam looked around and again back at the cake as she picked up the fork. Her stomach grumbled. She was feeling hungry...

Choice 1: Tam-Tam gives in and indulges. The cookies are eager to bring her food and even do other things like milk her. And it doesn't take long before she starts catching up to Mila in pounds.

Choice 2: Tam-Tam distrusts the cookies and backs out. Opting to go find Morgana or Darious. The cookies seem almost upset to see her go though and some follow.

Choice 3: Morgana finds them and is shocked by all the freaky little cookies, but takes to having edible servants quickly and enjoys bossing them around.

Choice 4: Darious finds the girls soon and is very shocked at the new 'helpers' they've discovered.
Something else.
End Of Story

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