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The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
Milk, It Does a Body Big

By: Drakin

Immediately the cream hit her tongue and Mila had to stifle a moan. It was like nothing she'd ever tasted. Sweet, rich, and smooth in the extreme. It flowed down her throat unimpeded as she could almost imagine she felt every drop slide along her tongue.

All too soon she realized she'd emptied the bottle and came up gasping for air.

"Kitty likes her milk it seems, "Tam-Tam teased with a smirk, but Milla just nodded.

"It's amazing," she gasped, looking at the drained bottle, "I've never had milk this good. And I mean never."

"Easy there," the brown bovine giggled, "You don't want to get addicted right?"

Mila looked around at the dozens of large bottles nearby and bit her lip. It seemed it was already too late for that. She picked up another one and before Tam-Tam could caution against it she'd started chugging it. Just as delicious and wonderful as the last bottle. And on it went.

Tam-Tam was at first amazed Mila would be so eager to enjoy her milk, then concerned as the feline gulped bottle after bottle. She didn't get through them all fortunately. Around number ten she had to stop and sit down in a nearby chair, clutching her rounded stomach with a groan as it audibly sloshed with what had to be five or six gallons worth of milk as it had grown to nearly cover her lap.

“Goodness Mila, did you plan to leave any milk foir the others or were you going to drink it all yourself?”

Mila started to reply but it was interrupted as a long low belch rumbled up her through with a drawn out...


After that her stomach visibly settled, in fact it was already looking smaller to Tam-Tam. But even as it seemed to diminish Mila moaned as a new sensation took her. Warm and tingling, like a soothing massage that flowed across her torso and down her limbs. A wonderful tingle entered her loins as she bit her lip to keep from rubbing herself then and there.

As the feeling continued and intensified, her belly shrank some, but her frame began to widen. Tam-Tam watched with stunned amazement as new love-handles grew out from Mila's sides and her thighs thickened as they spread from under her stomach. Her breasts, once small and perky expanded to fill her rising shirt. Her face grew round and soft, a new double chin beginning to form over her neck.

When at last the process slowed, her stomach still covered half her lap, but had deflated from a taught ball to sloped mound with cleft under her belly button.

“Mila?” Tam-Tam ventured, “Are you alright?”

Mila blinked and looked at Tam time as she replied...

Choice 1: “You have got to try this milk.” Before waiting for an answer Mila downs more bottles of the milk, determined to get as many in her as possible before she becomes full again.

Choice 2: “I'm fine. Did something happen?” she seems unaware of her new size, nor does she notice the milk anymore. Further questions reveal she thinks she's always been huge.

Choice 3: “I'm staving. Want to get something to eat?” Mila seems a but bolder and more dominating as she leads the way back to the kitchens, forgetting Morgana as her stomach is crying out for more food.”

Choice 4: “I feel... really weird.” The milk is still affecting her in some strange way. More transformations incoming.
Something else.
End Of Story

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