Extend the Story - Add a Room

The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
They feast and grow, hoping to change

By: ThePencil

“…Well?” Mila asked after a few seconds of silence had passed.

“I… don’t know.” Tam-Tam admitted, looking away.

“We could always try eating more.” Morgana suggested with a shrug, her plush arms and bosom jiggling from the motion.

There was a pregnant pause as both her companions stared at her, processing what she had just said with incredulous expressions. Tam-Tam, the first to recover, rolled her eyes with an annoyed huff.

“Really. ‘Eat more’, that’s the best you can come up with?” the gecko woman sneered, but Morgana wasn’t having it.

“Aren’t gods and goddesses usually larger than life?” she cut Tam-Tam off, catching her momentarily off-guard.

“Well yes but–“

“Didn’t we grow taller since we got here?”

/“I mean, we did–“

“Then we just keep doing what we’ve done since we got here.” Morgana punctuated her argument with a generous bite on a custard pie, relishing the taste. “We keep this up, and we’ll definitely grow into something other than lard balls, I think.”

“But what about Darious and Leeko?” asked Mila as she munched on a donut, absent-mindedly. Morgana lazily raised her hand and snapped her fingers, and a few of the sentient cookies were promptly at her side. She pointed to herself, Mila and Tam-Tam with one hand and held up two chubby fingers with the other, gesturing to the cookie-people, one of the creatures slightly tilting its head.

“You lot, find the OTHER TWO PEOPLE in this place, and bring them here.” Morgana commanded, repeating the same gesture a few more times. “Two MORE, bring them HERE.” After a few seconds of this, the cookies nodded and took off, leaving behind a very smug bat woman, her hands planted on her wide hips. “See?”

“…alright, that’s ASSUMING they understood your orders…” Tam-Tam sighed, begrudgingly accepting Morgana’s suggestion. “I suppose we can give her plan a try.”

“I mean… whatever, sure, let’s get to it, then.” Mila conceded, joining Tam-Tam as the two followed the smug bat woman to the dining room for another feast.

Lo and behold, they weren’t surprised at the delectable spread that was piled up on top of the tables, Morgana promptly digging in while her two companions shrugged and did the same.

As the three ate and stuffed their guts with every morsel they could grab, they would have noticed a few changes in their bodies, even if they were small: Morgana’s nose smoothened a bit, losing its distinct upside-down heart shape, and tiny nubs formed on her temples, hidden by her wavy black hair.
Likewise Mila herself had small growths appearing under her bandana, and despite the faint tingle she felt in her face, she was so engrossed with her meal that she didn’t notice her face lengthening outwards, becoming a pudgy snout that allowed her to take more generous bites of her meal.
Tam-Tam’s beautiful hair also grew so voluminous and lustrous, that it conveniently hid the familiar nubs that sprouted from her temples…

After a while, the three queens were taken back to their shared bedroom, being assisted by pairs of cookie servants, the women so groggy and swollen with food, they could barely stand. Despite her stupor, Mila still felt a hint of apprehension seeing Morgana and Tam-Tam crawl into the massive bed, cradling their over-stuffed bellies and nonchalantly rubbing them in an attempt to soothe the pain. However, her desire to rest and digest the feast won out, and Mila discarded her garments, crawled into bed and allowed herself to doze off, the snores of her companions lulling her to sleep…

When they next woke up, it was to the noise of loud voices coming from outside their shared bedroom. But who did the voices belong to? They sounded familiar...
Someone else.
End Of Story

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