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The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
A Festival and More Feasting

By: Drakin

“Mila we're queens now,” Morgana replied as she worked on a stack of syrup covered pancakes, one of the meals not made of desserts, “You don't have to go traipsing to the ends of the country yourself to find answers. Delegate. Order the cookies to go. If they find anything interesting then you can go see for yourself. But it would be a waste of time and energy to go and find nothing interesting.”

“I suppose you're right...,” Mila sighed, her desire to explore fading a little as she sat down with a pile of chocolate chip muffins to herself, “but I hope they can find something.”

“And as for you...,” Morgana looked to Tam-Tam who posed in front of a mirror made of hard candy.

“Oh don't tell me you think I can't be a goddess,” Tam-Tam replied over her shoulder.

“No, by all means go ahead,” Morgana replied completely casually, “Skip the parts about fasts and balls, and fancy dresses. I know I wish I could. But you go right ahead with temples, prayers, blessings and expectations of omnipotent power. We'll see how much they worship you when you can't grant them a good harvest or fair weather for sailing.”

Tam-Tam actually paused to think about.

“Of course if you were big enough when they began worshiping you, they couldn't do much to harm you. They could think whatever they want then,” Morgana continued as she polished off a pitcher of milk, “You could go from a goddess of love and compassion to a destroyer who eats dissenters if any displeased you.”

Tam-Tam finally looked back at Morgana before settling herself at her own table with a stack of bacon and eggs nearly a foot high. “You really think we should just sit here and feast as much as possible?”

“I wouldn't say it's ideal either,” Morgana replied swallowing a chocolate doughnut and patting her rounder stomach, “They'll probably have us approving policies, running the state, meeting with forign dignitaries bringing gifts, conducting tournaments, and so on.”


As it turned out Morgana was only half right though.

As the trio finished as much of their breakfasts as they could hold (for the moment), the cookies arrived and led the larger females back downstairs and out of the castle, all the way to the town square which, overnight had been completely transformed.

Stands and carts were set up everywhere, various games filled the space like bobbing vor candy apples and tests of strength with rock candy hammers. And in the middle of it all, right by the central fountan, was erected a large stage where the cookies performed various acts from juggling and acrobatics to playing candy instruments.

But the largest pavilion was set up for the three of them with the larger thrones and lined with more cookies offering up their meals. But these treats seemed fat more elaborate and decadent than before. Some even sculpted into various shapes like castle or towers. Mila even saw a green jello mold that was shaped like Tam-Tam in her new dress, colors and all.

“I think they want us to judge the contest,” Mila mused, still feeling a bit full from breakfast, her dress snug around her middle. That seemed to be the case as one attendant hurried up to give them ribbons made out of taffy to hand out to the winners.

The three set about it, working slower and more thoughtfully. Trying to give the food is well deserved judgment. But so they had time to decide, the cookies performed a show on the center stage across from them. A play this time, which seemed quite interesting to the queens. For though no words were spoken, the imagery got across the message quite clearly.

The play seemed to be about...

Choice 1: The formation of the lands. How a great baker created a universe of pure food and contained it in a tiny jar.

Choice 2: The first war of the kingdom. A fight between other lands made up of other types of food and how, though in an uneasy truce for now, each land still desires to conquer the others.

Choice 3: The arrival of the three queens and their destiny as leaders. How they will grow into great mountains of prosperity and spread their will throughout the world.

Choice 4: How the world will end, consumed by one or more creatures of endless hunger. All to be made on in this beings endless stomach in which the universe will be reborn and grow as they grow. Forever.
Something else?
End Of Story

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