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The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
Growing Queens

By: sup

All three awoke as a new dawn came as they looked upon themselves and their cookie subjects. While all three of them had grown a bit wider than they were when they arrived, but comparing themselves to the cookies, all three were taller than before. Least by a foot.

"Amazing...seems the food down here doesn't just make you fat but tall too." Mila said as she was just as surprised that their clothes grew along with them.

"Oh...I really like the results. Forget about being queens, we could end up becoming goddesses." Tam-Tam said as the cookies seemed to worship her as she posed a bit.

"If they have a thing for fat lizards. For me, I simply enjoy all of this free grub they're giving us." Morgana said helping herself to a slice of pie.

"Well I would like to see what more this world has to offer, maybe even find some way to get back home." Mila said not exactly hating being a queen.

All three queens were divided by their own personal desires and wants as they continued to stay and rule these strange lands.
Mila the Explorer and her exploits of the land
End Of Story

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