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The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
The New Cookie Queens

By: Drakin

It was a hard back and forth. All three females weighed the options carefully. The cookies seemed harmless but also quite insistent. All three were motioned to the thrones again and again as they debated back and forth.

In the end the decision to accept won out, but only, as Mila had insisted, they make an attempt to contact Darious and Leeko somehow so that they knew what happened and could discuss the situation with them.

While Tam-Tam didn't care, Morgana readily agreed and the deal was struck. With something akin to a ceremony, lots of coconut shavings thrown for confetti and clapping that sounded like a box of crackers being shaking, all three took their seats on the thrones as candy crowns were placed on their heads.

As they settled in a strange feeling overcame each of them. Not a bad feeling, not even an intrusive one. But an odd sensation of content and and happiness. A feeling of 'winning' that couldn't really be pinned down to anything concrete.

Then the feast began.

It was hard to say if it could be called as such since there was no big banquet table, but instead each of the new queens had a personal table brought out and cookies would bring a platter up for each of them to enjoy. Most of the time it was sweets and pastries, doughnuts, eclairs, cakes, pies, and so on. But every once in a while some form of actual food was brought up. Steaks and potatoes, freshly grilled salmon, pork ribs, fried chicken and more. True the cutlery and plates were still candy, but the food felt more substantial.

After more than two hours though of solid feasting the sun had begun to set, and the tables were cleared away. Clearly some cookies walked out disappointed, as the staff took the platters of food they had brought to a side entrance, one the new queens were shown to.

Up a large winding staircase the pair were brought past a large pair of doors to a royal bed chamber. Well furnished and brightly lit despite everything being made out of sweets. The only surprise was there was only one bed. Granted it was huge, big enough for all three to lay spread eagle without so much as touching each other, but it was still only one bed.

When questioned about it the cookie anthro's seemed confused and shrugged, uncertain of what might be done.

“Guess we have to live with it for tonight,” Tam-Tam yawned and stretched, disrobing. She'd grown even more since they'd arrived, her muffin top of a stomach looking like a real potbelly now and her thighs and rear had gained at least a couple more inches in size.

“Must you do that?” Morgana groaned looking away, “We're standing right here.”

“And all three of us were naked in the town center surrounded by living cookies earlier,” Tam-Tam replied, “Stop complaining. We could probably walk around nude and no one would care.”

“It doesn't mean you have to present yourself so openly,” Morgana replied. And Mila was at least somewhat inclined to agree. The pair disrobed facing away from each other and Mila let Morgana climb into into the bed first, the soft sponge cake being quite delicious smelling and the marshmallow pillow soft and powdery.

After she was settled, Milla climbed on the left side, Tam-Tam having already claimed the right. And though worries still danced in their heads, the three soon fell into a deep, food coma induced sleep.

As the dawn broke the next day though, the trio woke to a very interesting sight.

Choice 1: The three awaken to find someone new in their room. A candy being that actually talks unlike all the rest of the silent cookies.

Choice 2: The three awaken to find themselves surrounded by more food on tables, all the feasts they didn't get to finish the day before and all still as fresh.

Choice 3: The three awaken to find they aren't just wider, but also taller, all three have grown at least a foot in their sleep.

Choice 4: Waking up the three find that their hair at least has changed, becoming strands of candy. But despite concerns of fully transforming they find they can somewhat understand the living cookies now. Whole words are still beyond them, but intentions, gestures, and more are easier to determine.
The first step towards understanding pastry land.
End Of Story

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