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The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
Sweet Awakenings

By: Drakin

As with any bout with unconsciousness returning to the waking world was much like flipping a series of switches on every sense one at a time, each returning little by little to give a better description of ones surroundings.

For Morgana the first sensation to come back was hearing, the sound of a light breeze and the sound of what seemed to be waves like the ocean she was familiar with. But then her sense of smell came back with her next breath and was almost overwhelmed with the scent of sugar everywhere. Sugar and fried dough and chocolate dominated her nose like she'd fallen asleep in a bakery.

The conflicting messages only continued as she felt something course under her as her first stirrings shifted her about slightly. The ground was uneven and lumpy, not to mention coarse, and... sticky?

Finally her eyes blinked open and immediately shut again at the brightness. Little by little she squinted them open again as the world around her began to resolve itself. And once her eyes finally adjusted she had to pinch herself to be sure she wasn't still dreaming.

She sat on a beach of dark brown staring out at the ocean. Only it wasn't sand under her. Smacking her lips from the little that had gotten on them she tasted brown sugar. And it wasn't the ocean she knew. No ocean in the world could be made out of flowing, liquid milk chocolate. At least none she'd ever heard of.

Looking around Morgana saw more impossibilities. Trees trunks that seemed to be made of frosted cookie biscuits with pressed thin sheets of candy for leaves. Bushes made of pink and blue cotton candy, and fields beyond where stands of candy-canes clustered like bamboo shoots.

The whole thing was just too bizarre.

Murmors from her other side got Morgana to look around. And barely a yard away she saw the prone forms of Mila and Tam-Tam waking up. The later being the next to sit up and look around.

“Is this a dream?” she asked in amazement.

“I doubt it,” Morgana huffed, “Any dream of mine would not have you in it.

“Oh don't start,” Tam-Tam sighed as she slowly stood up and brushed the brown sugar from her noticeably thicker thighs, “The last thing we need is fighting when we're stuck in a strange new world.”

Mila by then was up and looking around. “I don't see how we got here. How do we get home?”

“Maybe we should swim?” Tam-Tam muttered sarcastically, waving a hand at the ocean of chocolate in front of them, “But it might be easier to walk.”

Choice 1: The trio walk up the beach, keeping the ocean to their right, and find a odd little fishing village. Maybe they can find a boat to cross the chocolate ocean.

Choice 2: The pair walk down the beach and come to a cliff made of rock candy full of many caves and the old ruins of a wrecked ship.

Choice 3: The three strike out inland to see what might be found of this candy world.

Choice 4: Before they can go anywhere they run into locals, like the cookies from before, but now each cookie is as tall as Morgana.
Head down the beach and find the caves.
End Of Story

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