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The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
Feasting Passout

By: sup

The three continued to eat and eat whatever the cookies prepared for the trio. While Mila still had her concerns about these strange cookies, she didn't want to be rude and shrug off their hospitality.

"Oof...don't know about you three...but...I'm starting to get....yawn...tired." Tam-Tam said with a yawn as she drank some more wine.

"Please. You're just drunk is all. Drinking all that wine." Morgana said as she looked just as drowsy as she gnawed on a steak.

"I think I'm feeling a little tuckered out too." Mila said as both girls were on the verge of passing out.

Of course, devouring so much food with no rest and doing very little could do such a thing. Tam-Tam was the first to fall asleep as her wine glass fell to the ground.

"Tam-Tam!" Mila said in shock before Morgana followed suit as she fell to the floor next. "No...gotta..." Mila said struggling to keep awake as the cookies started to approach the sleeping girls. But it was to no avail as she soon fell as well.

It wasn't until much later that Mila awoke along with Tam-Tam and Morgana. However, they were not in the kitchen but...
Somewhere else?
End Of Story

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