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The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
Milk and Cookies

By: Drakin

While Morgana was still puzzling out the pie, the other girls had continued to search the kitchen.

Time-Tam had found her way to the pantry and found it was quite a bit larger than anticipated. In fact as she probed a little deeper, it seemed even larger than the kitchen. The shelves extending further back than she could make out in the dim light.

Not being one to explore beyond assistance of her "companions" she looked around and spotted a jar labeled "Cookies" and picked it up, returning to the kitchen. Spotting Morgana examining the pie on the stove she smirked, "Taking a little break for a snack deary?" she teased, "Good idea. We've been searching for five minutes. We deserve a quick ten minute break."

"Oh will you knock it off?" Morgana grumbled, too preoccupied with thoughts over the strange pie to even counter the gecko's teasing.

"Well at least we both found some nice snacks to enjoy. But there's on thing missing..."

Setting the cookie jar down on the table she turned towards the refrigerator. A truly impressive sight. She'd only read about the new invention in a few newspapers, a replacement to the old ice boxes that needed regular deliveries to stay cold, but she'd never seen one so big or so elaborate looking.

Pulling open the door revealed more surprises. Fresh food lined the shelves, cold meats, vegetables and fruits, and most importantly for her at the moment, a large bottle of cold, white milk. Even with all the signs of freshness, Tam-Tam couldn't resist giving the milk a sniff. After all, the mansion had been abandoned for years. But the milk still seemed fresh as the day it was stored.

"Care to join me in a drink girls?" Tam-Tam offered, retrieving glasses from the cupboard and setting the milk next to the cookie jar. Pouring out glasses for each of them Tam-Tam drank her own, the cool refreshing milk somehow more delicious than she'd imagined. So much so that even before Morgana and Mila had reached for their own glasses she'd poured herself a second glass and started to sip it as well before reaching for the cookie jar.

Choice 1: Before Tam-Tam can open the jar the lid pops off. And little Gingerbread anthros begin emerging. The sentient cookies seem a fun playful toy at first, but then they start bringing the trio sweets and other food, presenting them with meals (weight gain).

Choice 2: After all of them drink the milk they all become much hungrier. Despite the search ostensibly resuming, the trio begin snacking their way through the kitchen, eating everything they find before returning to the regenerating pie Morgana found. (weight gain).

Choice 3: The milk has unexpected effects and by the time the trio polish it off their breasts have all grown to the size of pumpkins and full to the brim with milk. (breast expansion and lactation).

Choice 4: Before Milla or Morgana can drink the milk, Tam-Tam feels strange and begins changing, She transforms either partially or wholly into a anthro cow, complete with wide body, big breasts, and leaking udder. (TF, WG, Breast Expansion, Lactation).
Big Breasts All Around
End Of Story

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