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The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
An Exploration for Explanations Cut Short.

By: Drakin

“Are you both ok?” Mila asked looking at the pair of large females that five minutes ago had looked ready to kill each other. Now they couldn't seem to keep their hands off each other and kissed at least once a minute.

“We're fine Mila dear,” Tam-Tam replied, her sagging chin fold almost brushing the golden chain of a necklace she wore in the broad expanse of exposed cleavage, “Better than fine. I feel truly blessed this day somehow.”

“I know the feeling,” Morgana replied, brushing back her mane of hair which, though still a little wild, had at least the attempt of being tamed and straightened as it rolled down the shoulder of her red and pink dress. “I'm not sure why, but I swear my heart feels all a flutter today. And this morning I woke up in such a bad mood too.”

“I remember,” Tam-Tam replied with a smirk, “You about screamed bloody murder when you thought someone had stolen that silver necklace of yours. You thought some Pirate had snuck in and stolen it in your sleep.”

“A pirate...?” Morgana seemed unsure of herself for a moment and then shook it off, her elaborate silver earrings jingling faintly, “I guess I was just being silly. Like any pirate would dare try and steal from us.”

Tam-Tam nodded with a smirk and looked to Mila, her long read hair cascading over her blue-white dress. “Are you alright Mila? You look out of sorts.”

“That's putting it mildly,” Mila muttered, still looking at the hefty pair who looked done up for a ball rather than searching the dusty old mansion.

“Well you have been sick for the last three weeks,” Morgana replied casually, “All that weight lost can't have been good for your body. You have to let us help you get back to something more fitting.”

“Too true,” Tam-Tam agreed, “If people think you aren't being well cared for they'll think we're going broke and all our business might collapse.”

This was too strange. The pair were completely different, acting more like wealthy nobility. And yet... Mila had a suspicion they weren't completely separated from who who they had been. Morgana's brief confusion regarding pirates seemed to indicate something was still there under the surface. Mila would just have to do some digging to find it.

But to do that she'd need to figure out how they changed in the first place. She'd caught a glimpse of the two eating what looked to be a pie a minute or two before their fight started and they'd begun expanding. That seemed a good place to start. However after checking the tin and finding nothing unusual at the moment she got up and turned to the oven it had come from.

“Mila?” Morgana called confused, “What are you doing?”

Unsure how their mental states had changed Mila thought up a quick lie, “Oh, uh just thought I might find some food for all of us. You don't mind if I cook, do you?”

“Oh you don't have to dear,” Tam-Tam reassured her, “You're still recovering. Rest and let someone else do the work.” Before Mila could protest Tam-Tam rang a small silvery bell that had been on the table. After a few moments...

Choice 1: A ton of food magically appeared on the table, ready made. “That magical bell was expensive but it has greatly cut down on the serving staff,” Tam-Tam notes.

Choice 2: A group of seemingly normal waiters and cooks arrive through the kitchen door to prepare the trio of ladies a enormous feast while they move to the proper dining hall.

Choice 3: A pair of familiar faces arrive. Darious is now the head of the serving staff and Leeko is head chef. Neither recall who they were before.

Choice 4: One of the Cookie Jars open and a endless stream of magical confections appear to wait on the trios every gluttonous whim. From cooking for them to helping them to a large master bedroom to be comfortable.
Magic bell summons food.
End Of Story

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