Extend the Story - Add a Room

The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
Fatties At War

By: sup

The two of them simply glared at one another as they continued to insult and badmouth each other. Their heated words distracting them from the fact that the two continued to fatten up. However, things would soon hit a boiling point when the fatal snapping was heard.

Morgana could only look down as her corset finally snapped open, showing off the flab that it had been straining to hold back all this time.

"Now look what you made me do!" Morgana said.

"What I did? You're been holding back forever, you fat bat." Tam-Tam shouted.

The two got up in each others faces as they continued to argue louder and louder as they ballooned. Though it didn't seem to bother them when their guts smashed into each others as they glared at one another, ready to tear out the heart of their enemy.

Mila, on the other hand, had been watching the two for a little bit and knew that if she did not do something, either they'd kill each other or destroy the entire kitchen trying to do said killing. Thinking fast, Mila...
Ran to go find more help
End Of Story

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