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The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
Never Mock a Blueberry

By: Drakin

Tam-Tam's smirk turned into a giggle, and then a full on laugh in the space of a few seconds. “Oh this is too rich!”

“Shut up!” Morgana growled trying to look intimidating despite her all blue figure. “This not something to laugh about!”

“I disagree,” Tam-Tam replied as she circled the blue bat female slowly, “The tough-as-nails First Mate mate turned blue like she'd been dunked in paint seems quite the amusing event to me.”

“It's not paint, lizard lips! And being blue isn't the problem!” Morgana gave a sudden hiccup and at the same moment and her rounding belly surged a little larger, straining bottom of her shirt as the laced up front began to pop. Her top was also growing tight due to her breasts having jumped at least two cup sizes in the past three minutes.

“We need to get help,” Mila looked worried, “We can't just stand here and do nothing.”

“Why not?” Tam-Tam replied, tail swishing gently, “Seems like quite the show to me, and she doesn't seem to be in danger yet.”

“Morgana growled and stomped over to the gecko, her whole torso jiggling in the process. “Maybe not for me but I'll be a danger to you if you don't do something besides mocking me!”

“And what would you have me do?” Tam-Tam replied, squeeze you until the juice comes out? Pop you with a pin? Or maybe I should just cut you another slice of the pie...” Tam Tam trailed off as she saw the inexplicably whole pie on the table. “What in the world?”

“Who said it was the pie that did this?” Morgana replied. For ages afterwords she would not entirely understand why she lied outright. Even as she felt her belt pulling tight and her thighs beginning to tear the fabric of her pants. Maybe if she'd told the truth... Still, she wanted some form of pay-back to the snooty gecko girl who rubbed her the wrong way.

“You're saying it wasn't the pie?” Tam-Tam replied as she eyed it.

“I'm saying there's no proof it's the cause,” Morgana tried to cross her arms smugly but her breasts no longer allowed for that and indeed as they approached the size of pumpkins what little remained of her decency was in danger of being exposed.

“Fine. Mila, want to try some pie?” Tam-Tam offered. But the feline was looking at Morgana's backside as her rear end split the seat of her pants and ballooned to resemble a jiggling mass of jello wide enough to cover a large armchair.

“I... I'm going to get Darious,” she exclaimed suddenly, darting to the door, “We need his help.”

Tam-Tam's eyes followed her, and shile she looked Morgana scooped up the pie. And when Tam-Tam turned around she shoved the whole thing in her face, crust and filling spraying everywhere.

It might have been childish and stupid, but Morgana could only laugh so hard her belt buckle finally broke, fully releasing a sloshing blue belly nearly the mass of the gecko girl who was wiping filling from her eyes.

“Oh you're going to pay for that!” Tam-Tam growled.

“Try me shrimp!” Morgana gave a mean toothy grin back, looking confident despite her still increasingly massive frame.

The pair of girls squared off, unaware of the splattered remains of the nearby discarded pie tin reforming into another perfectly prepared pie.

1.) The pair begin to grapple/wrestle, and while doing so Tam-Tam begins turning blue and expanding as well.

2.) As the pair fight Tam-Tam begins changing, but because of how she "ate" the pie, some change is different. Perhaps becoming a living pastry or soime other different effect.

3.) The grapling fight turns into a food fight as more food appears around the kitchen the pair throw at eachother and causes further changes or expansion.

4.) A short time later Mila returns with Darious to find two blueberry girls groaning at the limits of their expansion.
Something Else.
End Of Story

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