Extend the Story - Add a Room

The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
Morgana the Blueberry Slime

By: sup

Morgana looked around the kitchen to make sure she wasn't going crazy, but no, there was no one else there. Watching the pie carefully, she cut out another slice from it and this time tossing it away and watching the pie carefully. To her surprise, the pie shook as it began to regenrate its missing slice in an instant before once again becoming whole.

"Ah...I see. Its like a test. No matter how much I cut out from this thing, its never going to disappear." Morgana said. "So this is what a cursed pie looks like. So I need a way to get rid of it so it won't regenerate." she said as she pondered before snatching the pie by the tin as she rapidly at the whole thing right from the tin, leaving her whole face a mess with blue filling and pie crust as the tin hit the ground.

Morgana proudly licked her lips clean as she proved herself triumphant over a lone pie, least until her stomach started to gurgle.

"Oh...that did not sound good." Morgana said before she grabbed at her stomach in pain. She looked at her fur as she was it was turning blue and transparent as if she was melting. She soon collapsed to the to the ground as a massive blue mess as her clothes were left on the ground.

However, this jelly started to compound and reform as it took on Morgana's shape as she stood there as a single blueberry slime.
Morgana is horrified and looks for a fix
End Of Story

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