Extend the Story - Add a Room

The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
Morgana is okay with her new fat body.

By: EpiPencil

Light shown through the window, illuminating the two sleeping forms in the oversized canopy bed. The now butterball of a bat cracked open her eyes groggily at the bright light. Sitting up and stretching, Morgana let out a heavy yawn wishing that she could just lay back in bed and go back to sleep.

Her secret dream of sleeping in a bed fit for a princess had finally been fulfilled and successfully so. She had never slept and felt better in her life.

She swung her legs to the edge of the bed and was immediately confused when the bed creaked and didn’t make it to the edge all the way. Furiously rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, she reached down and peeled the covers off herself, revealing her bloated and round body.

Her eyes widened in shock as she took in the sheer size of herself, her huge breasts resting on her globular stomach, all contained in a much too small, shredded and food-stained tunic.

She swung herself towards the side of the bed again, this time much harder, causing her new form to jiggle. Rushing over to the mirror as fast as she could, she took a good look at herself in it.

Her face had rounded out a lot, her cheeks chubby and a sagging chin now in place of her old svelte one. Reaching up to touch her face, showed chubby hands with fat arms, each thicker than her thighs used to be, fat sagging over her elbows.

Moving down towards the top of her torso, showed enlarged breasts straining the top of the tunic, a valley of cleavage threatening to burst free. Her globular stomach proved to be too much for the tunic and sagged out the front, the soft flesh on display for all to see, deep navel and all. It rounded out to her sides where thick love handles poured over the top of her underwear covering it.

Finally moving further down towards her lower half showed ballooned hips, as wide as half her height. Turning to the side showed two globes with a barely hanging on shredded underwear trying it’s best to cover them. Sadly, due to the sheer size of her newly fattened ass, it ended up covering up very little. All of this was supported on thickened pillowy thighs that pushed against each other heavily and fattened calves and ankles, with feet far too chubby for her old tight boots.

Giving an experimental poke to her marshmallow of a belly had her finger sink in deep, yet not unfortunately so. She had enough pillowy fat to not have to push too hard to get her finger to disappear. Grabbing hold of her new belly and giving it a shake, resulted in her whole-body wobbling like the bowl of jelly it was, along with a bolt of heat and pleasure throughout her core.

She knew she should be concerned, but between the softness and the pleasure, she cared very little. She only cared for the fact that she liked it, and that it made her very happy.
Tam-Tam returns, determined to be of some help.
End Of Story

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