Extend the Story - Add a Room

The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
That first night...

By: unknown

Throughout the day Darius and his crew worked hard, moving boxes full of valuable artifacts, like a suits of armor that dated back from the middle ages and golden crosses with jewels imbedded into them, small tokens the captain of The Pirate's Fate wanted to place around his new home as decoration, and they only stoped when it was getting pretty late in the evening.

They also moved a few chests that contained gold and silver coins, which was the crew's budget, and a crates that contained old but rare books. There were also some of the crew's personal belongings that had to be moved, and Mila found a few...interesting articles when she was helping out.

While moving some of Morgana's property, the feline stumbled on a book that was titled, "High Fashion: the complete guide to upper-class lifestyle and fashion." This was a strange find for Mila, because she heard from Leeko that Morgana could scarcely read or write.

The book had a lot of well-drawn pictures in it, though, displaying people in fancy clothes and doing various activities only the rich can afford, and Mila guessed that Morgana probably liked looking at the drawings.

Still, it was a strange thing for Morgana, the rough and tough first mate, fearless and bloodthirsty, to have. One could argue that the bat didn't really look at it, that it was just something she happened to have, but that didn't explain why there were several arrows drawn towards certain dresses and childish drawings added along with certain activities that looked a lot like Morgana.

But Mila never asked the first mate about this, for she was certain that if this secret leaked, Morgana would see this as mutiny and gut her for sure. Instead, she remained silent and moved it along with the rest. Still, it changed how Mila saw Morgana. Was she the type of person that tried to cope with her horrible childhood by envying the rich?

When the crew moved their supplies, they left it in the foyer until tomorrow, for they were all tired and Darius insisted that they get a good night's rest. But before they could turn in for they night, the old sheets on the beds had to be replaced and the heavy mattresses flipped over.

Afterwards, they bid each other a goodnight, but Mila couldn't climb into bed without a warning.

"Stay on your side," said Morgana, "It's already uncomfortable enough to share a bed."

Mila did as the first mate commanded, laying a fair distance away from her. Luckily the bed was huge, so they had plenty of room to spare between each other. But as everyone was drifting off into the land of dreams, snuggled up in the cozy blankets, Mila lay in bed awake.

She didn't know why, but she still felt the feeling that she was being watched. The feline swore she heard footsteps down the hallway and voices whispering, and try as she might, she couldn't hear what they were saying, nor find out if the footsteps were just her imagination. Perhaps it would help if Morgana would stop snoring for a change...

After a few hours of fruitless listening, Mila drifted off into an uneasy sleep.

What happens next?

Choice 1: The noises during the night doesn't go away, but it continues, growing louder until even the other members of the crew could hear it. Unable to sleep, Darius and the rest decide to investigate. Could it possibly be someone who is trapped in the house?

Choice 2: There was a loud crash during the night, which woke up the entire crew, and when they went to investigate, they found Tam Tam downstairs. Could she be responsible for all the noises during the night?

Choice 3: A strange but delicious smell tempts one or more crew members out of bed in the night and down to the kitchen. Somehow a delicious banquet of food has materialized out of nowhere, but many of the dishes seem strange, exotic and yet smell extremely tempting.

Choice 4: Something very weird and possibly paranormal happens in the night. Examples: The room fills with water only to be bone dry the next moment. Or the furniture hovers off the ground briefly. Or the room appears to flip upside down.
Something else?
End Of Story

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