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The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
Intimate Relations

By: Drakin

Morgana winced internally. The feeling of being drained was a relief, but the kiss and Luna's caress made her whole body tingle. The bat pirate had never really been with another female before. Sure Mila had looked cute with her whole 'young innocence' and even Tam-Tam had a nice body even if she rubbed Morgana the wrong way a bit. But this was the first time she ever let herself go and be pleasured by another female.

Luna's kiss traced down the sides of her neck, a tongue gently lapping at the bats cleavage, which actually seemed a little larger than before, before skipping over her pink top to trace along her shrinking belly and twirl her tongue around Morgana's navel in a way that made her toes curl.

“Mmm, you filled up faster than anyone I've ever seen,” Luna smiled as hone hand drifted down to Morgana's privates, her pants having been removed at some point to better facilitate the draining as the sauce gushed in spurts from her sex.

Luna twirled a finger around the bats bloated sex, causing Morgana to bite her lip and squirt more apple sauce in pleasure, which Luna brought to her mouth for a taste. “Oh my,” she smiled, “You really are a wonder. This is some of the best applesauce I've ever had. I knew you were a tasty one when I saw you.”

For a moment Morgana looked worried but Luna just laughed, “No no, not like that silly. We're not cannibals. But you are quite the sweet treat.”

Then she went to town on Morgana's privates, licking and slurping up the apple sauce, and running her tongue all over everything. It was all the bat could do not to cry out. She panted and heaved, her belly shrinking more as the sauce continued to flow. And Luna lapped up as much as she could, though enough still spulled everywhere her chin was a bit sticky by the time she finished.

And when she was done she observed the panting, heaving bat sprawled on the ground. Dispite still involuntarily clenching now and again, no more apple sauce flowed. But Morgana was still left with a pudgy muffin-top of a belly and larger jiggling breasts the size of small melons.

Luna hadn't come out unscathed either though. The wolfess smiled as she rubbed her own middle, grown rounder from all of Morgana's applesauce. “Mmm, you were amazing,” she smiled, “Can I tell you a secret?”

Morgana could only pant and roll her eyes down towards the wolf in front of her as the canine spoke...

Choice 1: “The truth is I love making others huge. Fat, swollen, giant, or any combination. To me a partner is sexier when they're bigger. And the bigger the better. Please let me make you as big as I can.”

Choice 2: “I've always wanted to get big. Like really big. So big I can barely move. But my duties in the tribe have always gotten in the way. If you could make it happen I would love you forever.”

Choice 3: “If you promise not to tell anyone, I know where we can have even more fun just like this. It's a little risky and we might get in trouble if we're caught, but it'll feel ten times as incredible.”

Choice 4: “The truth is, I've never felt welcome in this tribe. If you leave, sometime soon, could I come with your crew. I'd do anything, even be your personal servant.”
Something else.
End Of Story

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