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The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292

By: Drakin

While the berries were extremely appealing, Morgana was immediately suspicious of anything the wolfess offered her. There was an old story she heard about magic blueberries once. She forgot how it went exactly but it was enough they drastically changed the individual that she was hesitant to take the risk.

Instead her eyes turned to the apple trees. The GIGANTIC apple trees. Each of them had to be taller than their ship was long, and for safety reasons numerous nets were strung around the tree to catch the apples when they fell.

Which was just as well since the smallest apple Morgana could see was nearly half her height.

“Unbelievable,” she muttered polishing the surface briefly as she leaned in, and then took a bite.

“Impressive aren't they?” Luna smiled as Morgana worked on the huge apple, “I can't tell you the secret of how we grow them so big, but I will say it has a few nice bonus effects. One of which, you will never find a work or any other insects in one of our ripe fruits.”

“Well, that's encouraging,” Morgana managed between mouthfuls of apple. She ate like a bat possessed, the command of 'go nuts' working on her to eat past her stomach's usual capacity and stuff herself to near bursting. Still, by the time she had to call it quits she'd only managed to decimate about one-sixteenth of the apple. A chunk about the size of a large pumpkin.

Which was what her stomach now resembled.

Morgana groaned and rubbed her middle, undoing her belt to make a little more room. “Oof, I over did it,”

“But it was good wasn't it?” Luna stated with a smile, “Oh, and there's another effect out apples have too when eaten raw...”

Morgana's heart sank as she felt her stomach churn and twitch. And then she watched as it began to swell, growing larger with every breath. “What the hell is this!?” she gaped as she squished her middle, feeling it gurgle and slosh between her hands.

“Now now, don't be angry,” Luna smiled and against her will Morgana's temper cooled, “You're just seeing what else our apples can do. Right now you're filling with gallon after gallon of home-made apple sauce.”

“So what do we do?” If Morgana couldn't be made concern was about the only option left as she hefted her drooping belly, already nearly so large she couldn't reach around it.

“Oh don't worry, there's a method to get it out,” Luna smiled, “But we have to wait for you to finish expanding first. Otherwise it'll just start all over again. Edna has punished some tribe members that way before, letting them be regularly juiced for weeks at a time without being allowed to stop filling.

“Of course they ended up really stretched out by the end. Lots of folds like deflated balloons. One hippo could practically be used as a tent...”

“Luna, just how big am I going to get?” Morgan interrupted as she struggled to stay standing without her belly dragging her to her knees.

Choice 1: “Oh, not much bigger. You only ate a small amount, we can start getting it out of you in just a minute,” Luna replied rubbing Morgana's belly with a teasing smile, “But we're doing it MY way...”

Choice 2: “Oh a bit bigger. You'll know it's done when your torso rounds out to a big ball with limbs. We'll need to get you to the juice press then.”

Choice 3: “Still a ways to go. I'll need to roll you when all your limbs are sucked into your big ball of a body. Unfortunately I'll need a bit of help to juice you, but it'll be fun. I promise...”

Choice 4: “Actually you should have stopped by now. That's interesting. It looks like you're digesting the applesauce as it's being made. Hmm... I guess we better go see Edna before you get too big to walk. She might have some answers.
Something else?
End Of Story

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