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The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
Bountiful Breakfast Discussion.

By: Drakin

“If you're sure they won't miss any food...,” Morgana began, but Luna just smiled,

“Oh don't worry, someone might gripe a little but compared to what they usually have we'll only be taking a tiny bit.”

She lead the way down the path, over a creek, and through a couple more fields until they came to a well kept lawn at the edge of the compound. All throughout Morgana could see various brings playing games like badminton, croquette, swimming in a nice large pool, or just stretched out on large sun-chairs under umbrellas with a good book. But they all had one thing in common...

They were all fat.

The smallest of them Morgana saw were a little larger than Darious and even she would barely call him chubby at best. The largest were nearly as wide as they were tall, and seemed content to do as little as possible as they were waited on by smaller individuals.

“Sheesh, and I thought I'd seen enough whales in the ocean,” Morgana muttered under her breath.

The building was huge to match the tribe members, and Luna lead the way to their dining hall, which despite being massive was fairly crowded. Not so much they had to squeeze in, but it still meant dodging and weaving around some large individuals to get to the buffet table.

They fell in behind probably the fattest cheetah Morgana had ever seen, the female's white robes stretched wide to reveal nearly all of the cleavage from her pumpkin sized breasts as they rest on a belly that looked like she'd chugged a barrel of pudding that morning and strained at the sash that would have nearly been out of her reach at the farthest edge of her stomach.

Her concerns about the locals sizes though were pushed aside though when she saw the tables loaded with food that everyone was piling high on their serving dish sized plates. Mountains of bacon, pancakes and waffles. Heaps of muffins, doughnuts, eclairs, danishes. Whole washtubs of scrambled eggs, hash-browns, sausages, and more...

Morgana tried not to salivate at it all, having not yet eaten, but it was hard not to when it all smelled so good. Even with the fatties all around piling the food high, there always seemed to be loads more to enjoy. In spite of all her caution, Morgana piled her plate high with a bit of everything as Luna did the same. The wolf even suggesting a few thing Morgana nearly mist in the crowded table. Like bowls of fruit salad glazed with honey and yogurt.

The dining hall was still far too crowded by the time they grabbed their drinks so the pair took the plates outside to one of the tables resting in the shade of a large umbrella. Only then was Morgana a bit self-conscious about how much food she'd grabbed.

“I'm not sure I can eat all this,” she muttered, looking at the near mountain of food on her plate.

“Well you should try at least,” Luna replied, “No one will judge you if you can't finish it all, but it it will appear awfully wasteful if you don't try.”

“I'll be as big as one of these mountains if I try,” Morgana muttered low, but she did start in on the (admittedly quite excellent) food as the spell forced her to comply.

“And? Is that so bad?” Luna asked as she enjoyed herself.

“Why wouldn't it be?” Morgana replied.

“You've never been fat have you?” Luna asked pointedly with a calculating look.

“I was starved much of my life,” Morgana replied flatly, “So no, I've never been 'overweight'.”

“Well then you've never seen the positive sides to it. The soft cuddles, the tingling caresses, the feeling of being wrapped in a soft blanket at all times...”

“So I take it you've been fat?” Morgna asked, eager to turn the conversation around.

Luna shrugged, “For a time I was somewhat larger. Nowhere near as big as anyone here honestly, but enough it was noticeable.”

“And you enjoyed it?”

“More like I 'didn't appreciate what I had at the time',” Luna gently corrected, “I'm not going to sit here and preach that it's a way everyone should live regardless of personal taste, but I do feel it's unfair to judge something when you've never experienced it yourself. When you do that you're basing your own opinions on what others have told you, not your own made up decisions.”

Morgana thought about this as their meal continued on in silence for a bit. Certainly the food was extremely good (she had to bite her tongue to keep from moaning at the creamy pastries as they rolled over her tongue) but should she really just 'let herself go' like that?

“Wait,” the bat blinked suddenly, “How did you get thin? Don't tell me it was months of diet and exercise or this conversation ends here.”

Luna giggled. “Oh no. It was much easier than that. I'm afraid it's a tribe secret though. But if you'd be willing to have a little friendly wager I might reveal it.”

Morgana could guess the real cause though. Magic. Probably the coin they were looking for. “Go on,” she said, half interested for the coin and half just to hear her out.

“If you're willing to put on the pounds, not a huge amount, but enough to get soft all over. And see just how good it can feel. Then I might have a way to make you thin again afterwards if it turns out you don't like it. What do you say? If I'm wrong you can stuff yourself, prove me wrong about being large, and I'll trim you down.”

“And if I'm right?” Morgana raised an eyebrow.

“Then I'll slim you down, we'll speak no more on it, and I'll make myself as your servant for your time here. Or something else you desire.”

It certainly was tempting. And if it got Morgana closer to one of the coins they were looking for she could think of worse ways to get it.

Choice 1: Morgana accepts the detail. She'll put on just enough weight to see what the big deal is about being fat.

Choice 2: Morgana accepts the deal but goes overboard. The food Luna selects for the contest is just too delicious to resist.

Choice 3: Morgana accepts, but only if Luna agrees to eat with her. If her body is going to get thick the least the wolfess can do is stake her own figure on the line.

Choice 4: Morgana politely rejects the offer, but makes a mental note Luna knows where one of the coins might be and intends to find out about it from her later.
Something Else?
End Of Story

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