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The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
Breakfast, a Walk, and Sexy Talk.

By: Drakin

“I'll go,” Mila volunteered. Darious was the captain and needed to keep a level head. And with Morgana's current condition, even with the command Tam-Tam gave her, she didn't want to risk the bat female spilling something crucial by accident.

“Very well,” Luna smiled as more staff wheeled in several carts loaded with food, “Let's enjoy some breakfast first and then I'll take you around. I do apologize we don't have more attendants. There have been some... incidents lately that require attention.”

“What sort of incidents?” Darious asked as they were seated at the dining table of their guest apartment while the food was dished out.

“I'm afraid that's private,” Luna replied, “Once you become part of our tribe Edna may choose to inform you if need be.”

Conversation gradually turned to their adventures. A few times Darious tried to ask more about the tribe, but while Luna answered most questions she replied with generalities. 'We have abundant farms on the south side of the island' or 'there's a cargo ship that comes once a month' when he asked about their food supply and how many ships they had.

Conversely they had to answer her questions as close to truthfully as possible. The tribe might not assume they were able to be commanded yet, but it was best to play it safe and only obfuscate rather than lie where possible.

If only breakfast hadn't been so large they would have been able to get away sooner. As it stoof Luna had just gotten up to the point Mila joined their crew, meaning any further discussion would lead to the truth about their mission. Fortunately, Mila suggested Luna show her around the island, buying some time for the moment.

“We'd come with you,” Darious replied, moaning slightly, “But that breakfast was truly incredible. I think Morgana and I need time to digest before we can walk around.” In truth Mila felt similar but she was willing to accept the discomfort for the sake of their mission. And it was goiod to stand up. Luna had sat next to her through the whole meal and more than once the wolf's bare paws had rubbed up along Mila's legs teasingly.

Once they set off Luna launched into a bit of an explanation about the tribe. “I know we must seem very forward compared to the outside world. But here we believe passion and love should never be restricted. Whatver your interest, whatever your shape, whatever your gender... all should be free to express love however and with whoever they want.”

“But doesn't that cause problems?” Mila asked, “what if someone gets jealous?”

“We don't believe in such things. A lover may be in love with a dozen others if they want. They may have sex with them in rotating schedules. They might even favor some over others. But no one hates someone for sleeping with others. Sex is just pleasure to be enjoyed and love is meant to be shared with everyone. And we will do whatever it takes to ensure everyone has the most pleasure in such a way as possible. Let me give you an example.”

She pulled Mila off the side of the path into a little clearing of well tended moss, almost like a natural bed. Luna pulled from her robes a small vial of purple liquid and gave it a shake.

“We have several highly skilled alchemists on the island,” Luna explained, “This little vial contains a potion to give anyone, of either gender, a truly impressive set of male parts of a particularly well endowed horse. If you desire it I will drink it and give you a ride you could never have dreamed of in your life. Or, if you're feeling bold you could drink it and see what it's like to use it on me. I guarantee once you try a using a males rod you may just want to keep it. Alternatively we could each take a sip. The results won't be as drastic, but we'll still have enough to be bigger than any male you've ever encountered in your life. And we can take turns in all the elaborate positions Edna herself taught me...”

Choice 1: Mila says Luna should drink the potion. She's nervous but also curious about what it might do to the wolfess.

Choice 2: Mila takes a bold leap and wants to try the potion herself. Nothing ventured nothing gained, right? And it'll be a big step closer to the tribe trusting her.

Choice 3: The both drink the potion. Neither gets as huge, but they still are impressively large and Mila gets shown many creative positions, even told the ones Edna likes most.

Choice 4: Nervous about doing any of it, Mila asks to see the Alchemists lab where the potion was made. Luna seems disappointed but shows her the absolutely massive lab at their next stop. But it's unlikely she's done trying to woo Mila with sexy alterations.
Something Else?
End Of Story

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