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The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
Former Tribe Member?

By: frown

"Well awhile back, I used to be part of this tribe. It was a...good run until I left for far better things. Oh though I do miss all the sex." Tam-Tam giggled.

"And...your point?" Mila asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"My point is, darling, I know every inch of this place AND still have some trust among the members. I can get you into places they don't normally let newcomers into." Tam-Tam said.

"I see...but what I don't understand is what you get all of this? What sort of thing do you want in exchange for helping us?" Mila asked.

"Well, that part is simple. I want to be part of your little adventure." Tam-Tam explained. "It sounds exciting. Magical coins and runes and such. Honestly, my current lifestyle could use a little spice in it."

"Wait...that's seriously all you want?" Mila asked.

"But of course. I just need you to tell me that we have a deal and can go on with our little plan?" Tam-Tam asked.

Mila however was not sure if she should trust Tam-Tam's words. It could be a simple trick. She thought and...
Something interrupts them
End Of Story

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