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The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
While working as a waitress, Mila gets some unwelcome company.

By: unknown

Mila's head was pounding like war drum, and she clutched it with one hand, leaning against a wall to steady herself. It had been a long, stressful day and she was exhausted.

Who knew being a waiter could be so difficult? Or it was at least difficult at this establishment. Mila's suspicion about Abby proved to be correct; she was a truly a horrid person, hiding her true nature behind a facade of kindness.

She shouted a lot and reduced some staff to tears with her scolding. Mila was lucky enough to escape her employer's wrath, but, like the rest, she was still overworked. Worst of all, she still didn't figure out where the coin was hidden and the day was almost over, the sun setting over the ocean.

No that she had much time to search, though. A working employee is a good employee, that's how Abby's motto ran, and she made sure everyone followed it to the letter ''T".

Abby was always on the move, surprisingly graceful and quick ten spite her size. She was always on the lookout for idle workers, despising them and taking great delight shouting at them.

No where was safe, it was said, for she knew every hiding spot in the shop where a lazy worker could hide. It was rumored that she had a crystal ball helping her keep track of everyone, watching you like some sort of all-seeing eye.

And it was at this moment that fate decided to be cruel to Mila. Abby had spotted her and stomped towards the poor feline.

"And what are you doing daydreaming here?" she asked sternly.

Mila gave a jolt in surprise. "O, h-hey, there, Abby," she said nervously, smiling sheepishly, "I-I was just taking a quick break."

"A break?" cried Abby in anger, "You have plenty of breaks! Stop being lazy and get out there and serve those customers! They paid good money, dammit!"

Mila wanted to scream at her that she didn't get breaks and that she was a bitch, but she instead bit her tongue and said, "Yes, ma'am. I'm sorry," and departed.

"O, you better be sorry," she heard Abby say after her.

"I can't wait to quite this job," Mila thought sourly.

The restaurant was full that afternoon. It was a was a journey to move between tables, for the girth of the morbidly obese town folk made it extremely crowded.

After she maneuvered her way past the maze of fat people, delivering her order of three jumbo sized blueberry pies to a wolf, who's clothes were ready to burst off of his near-immobile frame, she heard the name of someone and it made her blood run cold.

"So, Rourki, care to tell us why we're here in the land of the fat and home of the immobile?"

Mila gulped. Rourki? Wasn't that the guy that was Darius' rival and who abused Morgana in her earlier life?

"I'll tell you, but first..."

Mila felt someone tug roughly on her clothes and she gasped.

"What does it take to get some grub around here, hey, lady?"

Mila turned around and stared into a pair of cruel and vain eyes of a sinister-looking bunny. He was small, but Mila could sense that he was very dangerous.

At the table he sat were two other beings that she guessed were his cronies. On was a well-built parrot and the other a black and white sheep. Mila was afraid and stood there speechless.

"Hello, are you deaf?" Rourki said impatiently, "I said get us something to eat, now!"

Startled, Mila said quickly, "W-what do you want me to get you, sir?"

"Anything," said the bunny, waving a dismissive hand, turning back to his companions.

Mila hurried away, sweating. She thanked her lucky stars that she had only joined the Dread Pirates a few days ago, that no one knew that she was a member of them, not even Rourki and his gang or she would have been in grave danger.

She hurried to the kitchen and, because it was a random order, Mila grabbed the usual: an apple pie.

When she arrived at the table and served Rourki and his crew, who barely sparred her a glance, she wanted to dash from the room, but then she heard something that made her stop and decide to eavesdrop on their conversation, hiding around the corner.

"Now can you tell us?"

"There's a coin here," said Rourki, "And so are the Dread Pirates, and they're no doubt after the treasure as well. We need to get ahead of them and I have the perfect plan."

Mila couldn't listen to what it was, for she heard heavy foot falls, the first sign that Abby was in the area, and she quickly retreated back to work.

But the fact that Rourki and his gang was here had shaken Mila. Even worse, they knew her crew was here, plotting something against them.

She had to stop them. What did Mila do?

Choice 1: Mila, after work, returned back to the ship to warn Darius and the rest of the crew about Rourki. Together they figure out what to do.

Coice 2: Mila gets an idea that would strike two birds down with one stone. She plans to fatten up Rourki and his cronies! If they're rendered immobile, they can't chase after them for a while.

She also plans to use this as a distraction so that she can snoop around for the coin.
Something else?
End Of Story

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