Extend the Story - Add a Room

The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
Get a new job.

By: unknown

Mila gulped as she looked up at the intimidating figure before. The owner of the renowned pastry shop was a rat named Abby, who's height could even best that of Darius'. She was corpulent, sporting ample breasts and thick hips.

She was wore a flowing light blue dress, which Mila could easily determine must have cost a fortune, for it was decorated with jewels and the fabric was exquisite.

Around her thick neck was a pearl necklace and on the bridge of her noise was a pair of glasses. She seemed motherly, but Mila could sense that behind the facade was a very mean person. This was the reason why she was intimidating by her.

"What can I do for you, dear," she said in a squeaky voice, smiling warmly.

Mila cleared her throat and said nervously, "I-I like to have a job here."

When they heard that the shop was hiring, Darius saw this as the perfect opportunity to steal the coin. Wanting to prove that she was useful, Mila had agreed to do the inside job. Though, she was starting to regret her choice now.

"Oh, splendid!" said the rat, clasping her hands together, "What can you do?"

Mila bit her lower lip, for she had feared that question. "Well, to be honest," said she, rubbing her neck, "I don't know much about baking."

"Oh, but you don't need to bake, dear," said Abby, "We have much and more shipping coming in because of our expansion, and we need a lot of packers to carry and sort out the stock for us. Plus, with the new restaurant we opened you can work as a waiter too. I'm pretty sure anyone with half a brain is competent enough to do that."

"That would be very nice, thank you," said Mila, smiling.

"Oh, no, dear, thank you for volunteering!" said Abby, "We need all the help we can get! Now, let's get you suited up for your first day at work."

With a large, meaty hand she held Mila's wrist gently but firmly, guiding her into the back of the store. She felt nervous, but she knew she couldn't chicken out now. The crew was counting on her.

What happens next?
Something else unusual?
End Of Story

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