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The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
Growing in Girth and Generosity

By: unknown

Meanwhile Darious had just finished conversing with Mila and Morgana. Leeko was seen lumbering into the corridor.

"Hey Darious, look what your brother gave me," Leeko said as held the idol in his meaty hand.

Darious grinned as he saw the massive Leonberger approach. "Leeko? Is that you? You look spectacular my dear friend."

"He just became fatter and a different species of dog," Morgana said.

"Clearly Morgana you have not seen a real god in person. Observe fair maidens and gentlemen," Leeko said.

Leeko snaps his fingers. Then all of a sudden a woman appears. The woman is a green lizard in a white dress.

"Who are you?" Mila asked.

"I should be asking you the same question," the woman replied. "I am Tam-tam. One moment I was in the brothel and the next I am here."

"I am Darious of the Dread Pirates and lord of this estate. The one who brought you here is Leeko. These lovely ladies are Mila and Morganna."

"It's a pleasure to meet you. In fact, I happen to have found a coin. Allow me to join and it is yours," Tam-tam said.

"It shall be done. Welcome aboard Tam-tam."

Darious received the idol from Leeko and the what you were coin from Tam-tam.

Now if you excuse me I need to dine with my father.

Darious then lumbered into the same room where the rune us being held. The crystals had just been replaced. However, Jerome looks concerned.

"Darious, have you seen your brother? He's been gone for a few hours," Jerome said.

"Last I saw him he was with Leeko," Darious said.

Darious then pulled out the idol. "This handsome idol gave Leeko the powers of a god." He then holds up the coin given to him by Tam-tam. "And the newest member of my crew had this coin on her person."

"Save them Darious. When the time is right either of those will come in handy. Now let us eat. By the end of a few weeks I want to see that your my size or bigger."

Darious and Jerome used the rune to summon a large feast and ate to their hearts content. Jerome would encourage Darious
to eat more and in turn both men ate a ton of food. After a few hours both men were stuffed.

"Uggh, Father I'm so stuffed."

"You did well son," Jerome then patted his belly and chuckled. "In a few weeks you'll be big enough to perform the ritual to purify the Rune of Gluttony."

Before Darious could answer an evil cakle filled the air.

"Now why would you do that? Wouldn't it be better to give in to the rune's corrupting power?"

Edward then appeared in the room. He was standing next to the machine that housed the Rune.

"That damn adorable Leeko had the nerve to banish me when I tried to corrupt him. However, I found a way back. Now that you're too bloated to move your corruption should come quick."

Darious found himself in a dire situation. He had to act quickly or he and his father will suffer the same fate as Edward.

4 Coins Found

Types used
Coin of Weight Gain
Coin of Brotherhood
Coin of the God King
Coin of Time Travel
Something else?
End Of Story

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