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The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
Darious is victorious

By: unknown

Darious kept eating as he felt a renewed hunger. He knew that if he looked up for a moment that his crew be let down.

One by one the other competitors gave up. However, Darious was still eating. The crowd cheered him on as he ate. It wasn't until an hour later that Darious felt full.

Darious let out a belch of victory and then raised a heavy arm in the air.

Darious then picked up the chest and made his way to the crew.

"Congratulations Darious," Mila said.

Darious' belly bumps into Morgana as he puts the chest on the table.

"No offense Darious, but could you watch where you're going? You're almost as big as a house," Morgana said as she picked herself up from the floor.

Darious blushed as he tapped his stuffed belly. "It's going to take some getting used to. Guess we'll need a lot more food on board."

"While you were eating Darious, I found someone who said they know where the next coin is. In fact she was she's at the brothel in town," Leeko said.
Something Else?
End Of Story

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