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The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
The wolfess drops out, Morgana wins!

By: copyuniverse

The wolf girl slows down halfway through her second pie. Unable to stomach any more, she falls onto her back, groaning and rubbing her stomach.

"Blergh..." Says the wolf girl, unable to say anything else. Morgana gives a smirk before proudly finishing off her own pie.

"It looks like we have our winner here, everyone!" the mayor announces. "Congratulations to you, miss Morgana! Here is your prize money." He hands Morgana the bag full of coins. "Oh, and not to be rude," he whispers to her, "but you might want to spend some of that money on getting some new clothing. Our tailors have lately gotten really good at making clothing that fits our... bigger residents."

"Wait... what?" And with that, the food-induced trance was broken. Morgana got a good look at herself: most of her clothing had several tears in them, her corset was beyond ruined, and her undergarments were straining against her new bulk. "WHAT. THE. HELL!?" Morgana yells, standing in surprise. RIIIIIIP! Her pants gained several large tears as her belly, breasts and butt jiggled from the sudden motion. The red on Morgana's face was easy to spot, though whether it was from embarrassment or rage was hard to tell.

Morgana's outburst startled Mila, and the tearing sounds were accompanied by some from Mila's own pants. Mila looked down at herself, realizing just how much she was affected by how little she ate! "Oh no..." Mila murmured, feeling her own stomach, surprised by how easily her hand sunk in. She ran over to Darious and Leeko, making sure to readjust her clothing again. "Darious! Leeko!" she yelled over to the duo, catching their attention.

"Yes Mila- GOOD HEAVENS! You too!?" Leeko responded, surprised by just how much Mila had grown in such a small amount of time.

"The food here is more than just delicious, it's very addictive and fattening. I'm more than certain that the brownies she ate earlier might be why Morgana has been affected this much," Mila explains, catching her breath and trying to pull her shirt down over her paunch, to no avail.

"It may be a very good idea to leave as soon as we get the coin from the bakery," Darious states, giving a worried look to Mila and giving a very worried glance at Morgana. "Who knows how much bigger any of us will get if we stay for too long..." He gets up, preparing to walk to the stage.

Morgana looks like she's ready to break something, most likely the mayor. Noticing the murderous glare directed at him, said beaver nervously tips his hat and runs off as best as he can. Morgana grabs one of the tablecloths (thankfully empty of any dishes, as they had been removed after their contents were eaten), and wraps it around her waist, grumbling all the while. Picking up the coin bag, she walks over to where Darious and the crew are standing. "Let's get that coin and get out of here..." RIP! The sound of her pants giving up the ghost are heard, and she blushes a deep crimson. "...After I get some new clothes."

"It might be a good idea to talk to the owner of the bakery as soon as possible, and see if she can answer our questions about the coins." Darious points out.

"Darious, on any other day I would agree with you," Morgana starts, "however, seeing as I'm now using a TABLECLOTH as a skirt, I really want to wear something that's not going to fall off at any moment." She finishes, tugging said table cloth upwards.

Darious looks at Mila and Leeko. "What do you two think we should do?"

Mila and Leeko look at each other, and Mila speaks up...

Choice One: Go to the bakery first. The sooner those coins are collected, the less to worry about. Hopefully.

Choice Two: Go to the Tailor to get new clothing for both Mila and Morgana. Their old clothing just doesn't fit as well as it used to...

Choice Three: Split up, Morgana and one other person will go to get new clothing, and the other two will ask about the coin. The only question is: who will go where?

Choice Four: Tammy from the Bakery suddenly comes rushing up with some important news.
To the Bakery!
End Of Story

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