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The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
Enter the contest

By: Drakin

"A contest huh?" Darious mused.

"Yeah," The alligator nodded, "It's happening in the community center today. Better hurry if you want to sign up. Nearly half the town wants that prize."

"Of course," Morgana shrugged, "For a thousand gold coins people will do just about anything."

"Well that's certainly part of it," the alligator muttered with a slightly embarrassed look on his face, "Most folks just want free food for life."

"Of course they do," Morgana deadpanned as the alligator turned and walked away, "Because who in this town would ever want to be fit and limber and... and able to see their own toes."

"Easy Morgana," Darious muttered hand to his chin as they walked, "This could be a big break."

"Oh I'm ready to break something alright," the bat huffed then cooled and added, "How?"

"The competition. One of us enters, we win the coins legitimately. These magic coins are drawing us together. Even if most of the prize money is just normal cash, there might be a few magic ones mixed in.Plus free food means we'll have ample time to meet with the baker and figure out where their coin is."

"That's nuts," Morgana replied trying to keep her voice down as they passed several more large beings, "We don't know if any of us could win in a town full of these pigs. They probably eat seven pies a day."

"Or more...," Leeko added as he stared at a large skunk female who had a whole pie in one hand and bag filled with boxes more as she passed them.

"See? Even Leeko agrees with me."

"Whoa, hey, I never said that," the corgi muttered looking nervous.

Darious sighed and tried to speak patiently, "Morgana the contest is today. You want to rob a bakery in broad daylight that's probably packed with customers?"

"They're probably closed," Morgana replied though now she sounded less certain as she kicked a pebble down the road, "So many butterballs showing up, they'll be baking overtime. And not just for the competitors. All the spectators are going to want a snack too. With all the business this'll get they're sure to be shut up cooking away."

"All the more reason not to break in," Darious responded, "We break in and assuming we can even subdue everyone before a cook sounds the alarm, we'll have to high tail it out of here straight away. As I'm sure the locals would be quite enraged over us committing such a crime."

"I hate to say it but Darious has a point," Mila offered, "Winning legitimately might be the only way. Besides, just because everyone is of... 'larger persuasion' doesn't mean they're all skilled at such competitions."

Of course that statement came into question as they neared the pie shop. Though the line wasn't quite out the door, it was close enough they couldn't take two steps inside before nearly bumping into the back of a large rhino who seemed nearly as wide as he was tall.

The line moved slowly but still decently and within ten minutes they were all inside the shop. Mila sniffed the air, her mouth watering in spite of herself. The smells of fresh baked bread and pastries along with sweet chocolate and jelly fillings saturated the air like a warm haze and she found her stomach growl faintly.

Scooting the side, Mila could just make out the shelves loaded with fresh baked goods and sweet delicious treats covering every inch of counter space.

"Alright," Darious muttered, "We need to decide who's doing this. Who signs up?"

"Don't look at me, I'm not putting my waist on the line for this mission," Morgana replied, though she was sniffing the air as much as the rest of them.

"Why don't we all enter?" Mila suggested, "Then one of us stands a better chance at winning."

"One problem with that," Leeko pointed to the counter. Mila had missed it staring at the food but there was a simple flip counter with a sign over it that said 'Remaining Competition Openings.'

It stood at 12.

There were fifteen people ahead of them in line.

"Not good," Mila muttered and as she watched the next customer left and the sign was turned over to show 11 openings remaining.

The line moved. 10... 9... 8...

"Should we do something?" Mila whispered.

"No, we don't want to draw attention to ourselves," Darious replied.

7... 6... 5...

Not every customer was signing up but the numbers were going down fast.

"I could start a fight," Morgana suggested.

"Then you wouldn't get in for sure," Leeko pointed out.



There went the chance of all of them getting in.


Amazingly the rhino was the last one ahead of them. Not everyone had been so eager to sign up. But as he left the counter flipped again. Just one spot remaining. Who gets it?

Choice 1: Morgana. Despite her blustering she is starving and it would keep her out of trouble.

Choice 2: Mila. She supported Morganas lead it's only fare she takes the risk.

Choice 3: Darious. He's the leader, it's only right he assumes responsibility for the crew.

Choice 4: Leeko!? Against all odds the small Corgi feels he can win. Although Morgana is less confident and decides to do something about it.
Before they can decide someone new barges in, demanding to enter the contest.
End Of Story

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