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The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
Some more story paths

By: Drakin

Story 1:

Word reaches the crew of The Pirate's Fate about a mysterious candy factory on a distant island. It's products have only just begun to spread into local stores, but they are claimed to be the best sweets, pastries, and baked goods ever made. They're so good in fact, and some with such strange properties, it is naturally assumed they must be magical in some way. And the idea is presented that the coins and possibly the runes, might be used in the factory to make the food so unique.

However, the factory is very mysterious in that no one knows who works there or what goes on inside. Occasionally, very rarely, tours are given to special guests. But it's a risky thing to sign up for. Some never come back. And others who do are often changed in some strange way. In addition, those who do return seem magically enchanted to be unable to speak about anything they saw or did inside, simply stating 'it's a secret' to anyone asking.

So the question of how to get inside and find the coins and/or runes is the first obstacle to overcome.

(Basically it's Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory but with 'adult' elements.)

Story 2:

Rumors tell of a strange island covered in a simply gigantic garden, full of strange fruit and stranger creatures. Supposedly a powerful guardian protects a great treasure at the center of the island, but no one has ever seen the guardian or the treasure. At least none have ever left the island to confirm it. But surely the runs and/or coins must be part of this treasure.

Story 3:

During the night the ship sails into a strange patch of the ocean. A place where space and time are constantly being changed and distorted. The only way out is to find the source of it all. But the closer they get to it the more reality becomes like clay to be shaped by unseen forces into any number of odd forms. Time may not run linearly. The laws of physics might change. Any number of oddities are possible.

Story 4:

The crew is summoned to the castle of a wealthy noblewoman who has some of the magical items they're looking for. She's willing to hand them over provide the crew performs a few specific tasks for her over the next few weeks. What those tasks are could be anything from 'fetch quests' to acting as her castle staff for a time.

Story 5:

Rumor leads them to an amusement park, Hedonisim Peak. A strange place where not only is every ride and attraction geared towards excessive amounts of indulgent behavior, but even outside the rides patrons are allowed to do anything they want to fulfill their base desires. Whats more, it's rumored there is a strange magic to the place and patrons who go in either come out changed or don't come out at all.
Story 6
End Of Story

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