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The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
Heading Inland

By: Unknown Author

"I think we should head inland," Mila said.

Morgana sighed and looked at Darious."Perhaps we could find something inland I guess."

"Perhaps there will be treasure if we search inland," Tam-tam said.

"Or there may be a settlement," Leeko said. "It would be nice to see if there are others on this island. Perhaps this could help us leave?"

"It's decided, friends," Darious said. "We're heading inland."

The Dread Pirates make their way inland. The trek inland has twists and turns. From thick forests to rugged terrain, the Dread Pirates treked onwards.

It wasn't until three hours of trekking that the Dread Pirates came upon what seemed to be a large town. However, the residents of the town weren't what the crew were expecting to find.
They enter a town where everyone is fat
End Of Story

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