Extend the Story - Add a Room

The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
Tavern Crawl

By: gite

The tavern was a lively place, warmth radiating from the fire in the hearth and lanterns shining brightly from the walls. It was here that Mila and crew found themselves

Darius: "Listen up! We are here to find out any information about the coins. See who you guys can chat with."

Morgana: "Aye, captain!"

Darius and Leeko walked off, leaving Morgan and Mila behind, and the she turned to Mila.

Morgana: "Time to prove your worth more than scrubbing a deck. See what you can find. I'm gonna hustle some poker and wring whatever info that fat guy has."

Morgana walked away, and Mila surveyed the tavern.

All the costumers were rather tough looking, making Mila nervous, but she saw an old badger with a patched eye drinking beer alone. He seemed a bit creepy, like he had a few screws loose, but he seemed better than the rest.

But there was other things that caught her eye as well.

Under the table was what seemed to be scraps of torn paper. She was curios what they were.

She also saw a door that read, "Keep out!", yet, it was wide open, revealing crates inside. Perhaps she can snoop around in there.

What did Mila decide to do?
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