Extend the Story - Add a Room

the never ending competion by kingarthur
The big day had finally arrived, the audition would have been in the afternoon. I was in the kitchen and I was doing the exercises to relax me , when my mother entered the room and stopped a few feet from me.

- I have an appointment with my agent, so do not wait for me for dinner -

- Ok - I said without even looking at her face

My mother stood still next to me and I was forced to look up

- Remember, that part will have to be yours - she said, inching closer to my chair and putting a hand on my shoulder.

- I will do my best - I said

- No, you need to do much more - and so saying she gave me her back and walked away.

I do not think I will be never able to understand my mother and her unbridled desire to excel , everything was a race for her and I thought it would be a hell to have someone like her in school.

"Well , there is Kaley" - I corrected myself after a moment, thinking of my cousin who had in common with my mother a lot more things than me, beginning with her physical appearance.

I tried to imagine what my cousin was doing at that moment, how she had prepared herself for the audition. Was she nervous just like me ? Or maybe she thought she was already defeated from the start, having to compete with me who had always defeated her ? Kaley actually was not a person who surrendered easily but she had lost so many times that it would be foolish to think to get the part. While in my mind ran the memories of our past challenges, I heard a beep, and I realized that it was a message on my new phone that as expected was delivered to me a few days earlier. My heart stopped when I saw that the sender was Aunt Emma.

"We had enough time to think, come to my house in an hour"

I reread the message five times, more and more excited. I could feel the blood rush to my face, my cheeks had to be flushed. I jumped on the spot in the throes of a great euphoria and I could feel again the butterflies in my stomach . Finally my aunt seemed determined to face me, even for her it must have been difficult to understand what to do and I could not but blame myself for having put my aunt in that difficult situation. When I thought of the audition ,I put my hands in my face almost desperate, it was a misfortune that my aunt had chosen that day for our decisive meeting. The audition was at the four in the afternoon and I relaxed thinking that I had time . Of course I would have happily avoided a commitment just before such an important test , but I could not say NO to Aunt Emma who was doing everything for me. I sent a message telling her I would have been there in an hour.

I quickly got dressed and ten minutes later I was already out of the house, heading at the bus stop and hoping that it come soon because it would take a while to get to my aunt's house , which fortunately was close to the studios where I would have done the audition. When I got on the bus I saw that there was William Johnson sitting behind the driver and looking the nerd I got distracted and I almost fell when the bus made a sudden stop. The boy did not greet me when he saw me but I could not blame him after how I had treated him the last time. I wondered for a second if at the end he had been able to buy the phone that he wanted so much. Then, after looking for one last time his face full of freckles and her eyes hidden behind thick glasses, I walked on and I sat down in the back of the bus. William got off after ten minutes and once again he pretended not to see me, in the meantime I kept looking at my watch hoping that the driver pushed the accelerator.

When I rang the intercom at my aunt's gate, I was late by almost twenty minutes and only when I was in the driveway I thought of Kaley for the first time , wondering if she was at home or not. Luckily my cousin was not there and I thought that actually my aunt would never have chosen to meet , to discuss such an important thing with her daughter around. Aunt Emma was magnificent as always, she was wearing an elegant black skirt and my eyes could not help but fall immediately down on her long legs, toned as those of a teenager, and on her breathtaking feet where she was wearing expensive high heels stiletto sandals . At the sight of her feet ,which that day had a red polish on her toenails, I felt my legs tremble and I had to resist the urge to immediately prostrate in front of her. Aunt Emma hugged me as she had done the last time and she looked at me intently in the eyes, then without a word, she led me into the living room, sitting on the couch and crossing her legs sensually. I sat down next to her and for a moment I felt like I went back in the time, the scene was almost identical to that of three weeks ago. I was trembling with excitement and my aunt, once again, seemed to understand exactly what I was feeling , so without hesitation she said :

- Have you had a chance to think about what we said the last time ? -

Without taking my eyes from her eyes, I smiled and calmly I replied:

- Yes Auntie, I did as you told me. I thought a lot in recent weeks, I looked inside of me trying to analyze rationally what I was feeling, trying to put in place the pieces of the puzzle. You were right, this is a difficult period in the life of a girl and I was very confused. Not only that, I was frightened . It is said that we fear what we do not understand and I think it is an unquestionable truth. I did not understand what I was feeling and I was afraid to take any step as if it, in any direction I went, led me into an endless abyss -
Aunt Emma looked at me with a strange look in her eyes, then she asked :

- You said " I was ". This means that you are no longer confused ? -

- No, I'm not - I said firmly - I was confused and that's why I was afraid, but I realized that it was also the fear which confuse me, so I faced my fear -

- What was your fear ? -

- Fear to decide, so I made a decision -

In my whole life there had never been a time when I was so determined as at that moment, on that afternoon of August, as I sat on the couch of my aunt who was looking at me intently and seemed genuinely surprised by my attitude so resolute. Aunt Emma looked into my eyes for almost two minutes without saying a word and I keep the eye contact with boldness. Then, when she seemed to be convinced of my determination, she said :

- Who are you ? -

The time that I waited so long finally arrived. I had asked myself that question so many times in those weeks that I had no longer any doubt about my answer. I got up from the couch quietly, my eyes still fixed on those of my aunt, then , I bent my knees with elegance and I bowed down at her feet with my back arched, my face on the floor and hands on the sides of my head.

- I am your toy to play non-stop, I am your doormat on which to clean your shoes, I am your faithful dog that follows you at every step, I am your devoted slave ready to obey your every command -

I heard my aunt giggled but I kept looking humbly at the floor, waiting for the other question that I knew would come at any moment.

- What do you want ? - my aunt finally said

- I want to serve my Mistress, humbly and completely. That's why I was born, that's why I breathe. There is nothing more important, there is nothing that I want more. I'm your to command my Mistress for now and forever -

When I finished speaking a deathly silence fell on the room so that I could hear well the sound of our breathing and my heart was beating so hard that for a moment I thought that my aunt could hear it. I had prepared that speech for a long time and I hoped with all my heart that Aunt Emma could understand that they were not just simple words, I hoped she could understand how much important she was to me. I was giving away everything for her, I was giving away my freedom and I had put my heart in her hands.

Time seemed to stand still, I wondered what time it was, and as I waited anxiously some response from my aunt, I remembered of the audition that I should have done in less than two hours. Then, I heard a noise and realized it was the heel of the shoes that my aunt was wearing. An instant later, her foot was a few centimeters from my face, I raised my head and I looked at my aunt who was smiling sweetly. When she gave me a positive nod , my heart was filled with joy and I began to kiss devotedly the feet of my new Mistress.
My old life had finished just a few seconds before and with a boundless enthusiasm I was ready to start the new exciting one with my beautiful aunt who had completely conquered me and chained me to her will, to my great satisfaction. There are no words to describe the happiness that I was feeling, to describe the joy that filled my heart at that moment , while I was kissing nonstop the feet of my Mistress, with my lips that explored every inches of her feet, or at least the upper part of them, being unable to touch her sole because Aunt Emma was still wearing her high heels stiletto sandals. She wiggle her toes when my lips rested gently on them and I could not help but sniff loudly that scent that was by now so familiar to me and as I continued to kiss devotedly her feet, I tried to stick my nose in the middle of her toes.

I was worshiping her feet with so much passion that if someone had seen me in that moment it could not be able to find any difference with an animal that fulfill its bestial impulses. My mind had been emptied of everything, at that time there was nothing else outside of those wonderful feet that I would have kissed nonstop for the rest of my days. My pussy was on fire but I did not think even for a moment to try to appease my desire touching myself. That time was only for my aunt, I just had to give her the most pleasure possible.

"That's why I exist, this is my sole purpose in life ... to serve my Mistress" I thought kissing passionately close to her ankle and going further down to her heel.

While I kissed her feet, I could hear my aunt giggle and it did nothing but excite me even more and I kissed her feet so quickly that I forgot to breathe and after one minute, because of a dizzy, I was forced to stop for breath and bring back the oxygen to my brain. My break lasted only a few seconds, then my aunt brought back her foot to my lips and I began again to kiss , thinking that I had much time to rest after, back home. When I was with my my Mistress, I would have had to give away everything I had, give away every last bit of energy left in my body.

"She's my Mistress, she is a Goddess, she deserve this," I thought, feeling increasingly insignificant in front of a beauty so celestial, feeling as if I was a crawling worm that was not even worthy of being crushed by those divine feet.

I do not know how long I kissed voraciously the feet of my aunt who seemed to enjoy that scene. It had to be great to have a person prostrate at your feet kissing them with so much devotion, a person ready to do anything for you, a person who you own completely as if it was a mere object or your pet. Soon after, however, I thought that an animal , even the most trained , it could not be owned as a Mistress own a slave, as my aunt was owning me.
Suddenly, while I was kissing her left foot, Aunt Emma put the sole of her right shoe on my forehead and forced me to look up, interrupting my kissing. In her angelic face I could see well a smirk and I was happy that I had satisfied my Mistress. My aunt looked at me intently for a moment and then, she said softly :

- You know what I'd like now, dear ? A warm, soft tongue on my feet -

- Yes Mistress ... - I replied with a grin on my face, happy to have the honor to lick the feet of my beautiful aunt.

- Call me Madame, I love the French, is a language so elegant -

- As you wish Madame - I said looking at my Mistress in the eyes and bowing again to her feet with my tongue already out of my mouth.

I had almost an orgasm on the spot while my tongue began to touch the instep of her right foot and I had to fight with all my strength to not be distracted by the intense emotions I was feeling and stay focused on my work. Licking her feet I realized how different the taste was from one area to another and while the instep of her foot was almost tasteless, just a bit salty, between her toes and on the parts of her soles that I could reach, the taste was much more intense, much more exquisite. I licked between her high arches and at that moment my tongue was trapped between her foot and the insole of my aunt's elegant shoe. The pressure on my tongue was not enough to hurt me but it was hard to stay in that uncomfortable position, but I did not dare offer resistance and I stood still while my Mistress laughed , amused by that sight . I had to look really pathetic.

Only after several minutes my aunt lifted slightly her foot, freeing my tired tongue and allowing me to move freely again. I returned to lick the toes of my Mistress trying to clean with my tongue also under her toenails but they were clean, as was to be expected from a woman so classy. My aunt gently lifted her toes allowing me to lick also the bottom of them and I found myself in the same situation as before, with my tongue trapped between her foot (her toes this time) and her shoe. Aunt Emma freed me after just a minute and when her phone rang, she began to talk with a friend while I continued my work devotedly. My aunt spoke with incredible tranquility, as if she was used to having a person who licks her feet. That circumstance only increased my excitement, once again, to be completely ignored had an incredible effect on me and ,too distracted to follow her conversation, I continued to lick her feet by increasing so much the pace that I realized that I was lapping at her feet like a dog. Aunt Emma continued to talk on the phone for several minutes, and when she hung up she ordered me to remove her shoes.

- Be careful - she said, giving me a slight slap in the face when I removed her shoe in a way, for her, too rude.

- Sorry Madame - I apologized, trying to be more gentle with her other shoe.

When the second high heel sandal was removed, Aunt Emma took a shoe and brought it to my face

- Lick - she ordered me

I began to lick the part that had been in contact with the soft soles of my Mistress and I could immediately taste her foot sweat. My tongue was moving relentlessly , trying to clean it so well to make it look like if the shoe was new. Although I was more and more tired, I did not want to disappoint my Mistress and I licked everywhere, without omit one single spot. My aunt inspected my work for a moment, then satisfied , patted on my head as if I were her dog and brought to my face the other shoe. I restarted to lick ,with my knees more and more sore but happy to have done a good job with the first shoe and to have satisfied my beautiful aunt. I do not know why but in the second shoe the taste seemed more intense, as if the right foot of my aunt had sweated more than the other. That was certainly not a problem for me and I continued to lick passionately while my aunt had turned on the TV and was doing zapping, looking for some program to her liking. When I saw on TV one of those channels where there is a news program 24 hours a day, I realized that it was nearly three-thirty in the afternoon, the audition would begin in just over half an hour and I had to make me rush to get the Studios on time . While my aunt had just finished inspecting her second shoe, once again satisfied with my work, I began to say :

- Madame I have to go. It's late and I have ... -
jennifer gets the part
End Of Story

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