Godly Reader

You swim the entire length of the Atlantic ocean. You end up on the shore of France. You are the new Michael Phelps! The France Olympic team recruits you and you earn every gold medal there is for swimming. Good job! You spend the rest of your life in royalty and become the 2nd richest person in the world. (You are 2nd to Beyonce.)
The Author teleports you to a room away from this story's world. For what seems like the first time, they're smiling. Well, giving you half a grin. No teeth. Still, it's better than before.
"Good job, Reader." The Author awkwardly pats your head and the half-smile grows into a 3/4-smile. "You're an Olympic swimmer, ay? Well, for that, you deserve this."
Congrats, you earned the Author's Gold Medal! Can you find the other awards?
End Of Story